The answer to the question posed in the headline is probably “every somewhat buzzed college kid in the last 30 years,” but while many of us likely pondered the combination of tacos and Doritos, we all somehow failed to get around to pitching the idea to Taco Bell. And though the recently departed Todd Mills has been credited with pushing the company to make this dream a reality, a writing instructor at the University of Chicago claims he was part of the first group to actually pitch the notion to Taco Bell — in 1995. [More]
Taco bell

Taco Bell Gives In, Reinstates Free Tacos For Michigan State Basketball Fans
Taco Bell has a long tradition of giving away free food tied to the results of certain sporting events, like the World Series. But only weeks after pulling the plug on its 14-year free chalupa promo with the Portland Trail Blazers, the Bell angered Michigan State basketball fans by ending the deal that offered free tacos to everyone in the arena if the Spartans scored at least 70 points. [More]

Now We Know What Happened To That Creepy Burger King Mascot
If, like me, you were plagued with nightmares of that super-creepy, mammoth-headed “King” character from those Burger King ads that ran on TV (and in print, and in video game form) for far too long, then you may be sad to know he hasn’t gone away. He just works behind the counter at Taco Bell now. [More]

Childhood Nightmare Comes To Life As Clown Attacks Customer In Taco Bell Drive-Thru
Like something out a horrible dream from which you wake up drenched in sweat, screaming, a couple in Washington state were the victims of a clown attack while getting their food from a Taco Bell drive-thru. [More]

Taco Bell Worker Gets 3-Month Sentence For Groping Drive-Thru Customers
Back in June we told you about the Taco Bell Groper of North Dakota (as opposed to the Taco Bell Licker of California) who was arrested and accused of grabbing the breasts of drive-thru customers. Yesterday, the grabby guy was sentenced to three months in jail. [More]

Drunk Driver Must Really Hate Taco Bell, Rams Truck Into Building 3 Times
An intoxicated 19-year-old in Georgia didn’t learn his lesson when his pickup truck collided with the side of a Taco Bell restaurant. No, it took two additional bumps against the building (and a police officer with a drawn weapon) to get him to stop acting like a drunk buffoon. [More]

This Exists: Taco Bell Brand Make Your Own Choco Taco Kit
Have you always secretly dreamed of making your own dessert tacos at home? …No, neither had we, until Taco Bell turned it into an option available to every consumer, right on our grocery store shelves. Since today isn’t just Friday but also National Taco Day, you can celebrate by picking up this kit. But do you want to? [More]

After 14 Years, Taco Bell Stops Giving Free Chalupas To Portland Trail Blazers Fans
For more than a decade, whenever the Portland Trail Blazers scored at least 100 points during a home game, every person at the game got a coupon for a free Taco Bell Chalupa. But when the new season starts, the Blazers will have less of an incentive to put up triple-digit numbers, as Taco Bell has apparently pulled the plug on the longtime promotion. [More]

Taco Bell Makes Whiny Canadian Customers Eat Their Words Upon Arrival Of Doritos Locos Tacos
Any time I’ve been forced to eat my words it’s been a pride-swallowing experience, to be sure, but without anything actually delicious or food-like to ingest. Maybe that’s what makes this Taco Bell campaign in Canada so interesting — turning the tables on whiney customers who bemoaned the lack of Doritos Locos Tacos Up North by having them actually eat their own tweeted, cranky words, emblazoned on said tacos. [More]

Taco Bell Now Testing Waffle Tacos Filled With Fruit Or Fried Chicken
After expanding their experimental waffle taco to more cities, word on the street is that Taco Bell is also testing different fillings for the folded breakfast treat. The new offerings include a waffle filled with whipped cream and fruit, and a waffle with a piece of fried chicken in it. [More]

New Taco Bell Doritos Locos Tacos Flavor Is Fiery: Reactions From Those Within Earshot
When the breathless press release landed in Consumerist’s inbox, panting that the new flavor of Doritos Locos Tacos at Taco Bell would be Fiery Doritos, the first reaction was kind of, “Oh. Okay.” Because sure, sometimes the third time is the charm, but in this case, it feels a bit like we’ve been Doritos Locos Tacos’d out. You try typing that phrase repeatedly over three years of ramped up anticipation about various iterations of a fast food product and see if you can summon any real enthusiasm. [More]

Taco Waffles Are Coming For You (If You Live In Fresno, Omaha, Or Chattanooga)
After three months of testing the Taco Waffle — which is more of a waffle folded around sausage than an actual “taco” — in a handful of California locations, Taco Bell has decided to expand the test to around 100 eateries in Fresno, CA; Omaha; and Chattanooga, Tenn. [Via AP] [More]

New Doritos Locos Taco Flavor Coming On August 22
Taco Bell made a big fancy announcement today that the next flavor of the Doritos Locos taco is coming in only three weeks. What is that flavor? They won’t say! It’s a mystery! Except for how they already told everyone months ago. [More]

Taco Bell Getting Rid Of Kids Meals Because Children Don’t Crave Fast Food At 2 A.M.
We’ve got some good news for parents constantly annoyed by their kids pestering them to go to Taco Bell just to get a kids’ meal with a toy in it — and also, some bad news for parents looking for excuses to eat South of the Border: Taco Bell is doing away with kids meals and the toys that go along with them at all U.S. restaurants. That way, it can focus more on those 20- and 30-somethings jonesing for a burrito at 2 a.m. [More]

Taco Bell Customers Find $3,600 In Drive-Thru Order, Choose To Not Blow Cash On 3,000 Tacos
You may be familiar with the joy of getting home and finding an extra order of french fries in your fast food bag, so imagine how rad it would be to find $3,600 cash stashed in your to-go bag. [More]

Taco Bell Worker Accused Of Groping Drive-Thru Customers’ Breasts
Two Taco Bell customers have accused an employee of the fast food chain of getting way too hands-on while handing out food at the drive-thru, alleging that the 20-year-old male groped their breasts in two separate incidents. [More]

The Meat Is On: Taco Bell To Start Testing New “Protein Power” Menu In Ohio
Where’s the beef? We can never keep tabs on all the beef that’s being sought but if it’s in an Ohio Taco Bell starting July 25, it could be double. Double beef, double chicken — twice the meat is the driving force behind Taco Bell’s new “Power Protein” menu that’ll be tested in Ohio this summer. [More]