Getting a free turkey to serve proudly on your Thanksgiving table used to be a source of great excitement for shoppers in the holiday season, and an easy way for supermarkets to attract more customers (who then buy more stuff when they’re in the store). But nowadays there’s a new demographic on the block that everyone’s trying to please, and a free turkey just isn’t going to cut it. [More]

Lay’s Reveals Relatively Tame “Do Us A Flavor” Potato Chip Contest Finalists
For better or worse, this is not the year of coffee-flavored potato chips: Lay’s announced its four finalists in the brand’s annual “Do Us A Flavor” contest, and all of them aren’t that far out of the snack box. [More]

3 Extremely Boring Ways To Save Money On Gas
We all like to think that there are special tricks we can learn or technology that we can use to improve our fuel economy and save money on gas. That’s not so: there are tricks we can employ, but they’re intuitive and extremely boring. [More]

New Taco Bell Doritos Locos Tacos Flavor Is Fiery: Reactions From Those Within Earshot
When the breathless press release landed in Consumerist’s inbox, panting that the new flavor of Doritos Locos Tacos at Taco Bell would be Fiery Doritos, the first reaction was kind of, “Oh. Okay.” Because sure, sometimes the third time is the charm, but in this case, it feels a bit like we’ve been Doritos Locos Tacos’d out. You try typing that phrase repeatedly over three years of ramped up anticipation about various iterations of a fast food product and see if you can summon any real enthusiasm. [More]

Dude, Where's My Melatonin-Laced Brownie?
If you’re craving a sweet treat and a (legal) mellow, the makers of new melatonin-laced desserts say they’ve got just the thing for you, in the form of Lazy Cakes, Kush Cakes and Lulla Pies. [More]

New Gap Logo: Next Tropicana-Style Redesign Flop?
The marketing geniuses at The Gap seem to have fiddled around with Photoshop for a few minutes and designed a new company logo that’s as bland and uninteresting as jeans and a black t-shirt. It’s not ugly, but it’s not memorable or creative, either. What were they thinking? [More]