Taco Bell made a big fancy announcement today that the next flavor of the Doritos Locos taco is coming in only three weeks. What is that flavor? They won’t say! It’s a mystery! Except for how they already told everyone months ago. [More]
doritos loco tacos

Today’s Amazing And Revolting Foods: Ravioli Pizza And Deep Fried Doritos Locos Taco
One thing that we love here at Consumerist is bringing you the latest in disgusting/amazing food news, and we include fast food in that statement. Two new and exciting food products caught our attention today, one served in a restaurant and the other is a do-it-yourself project from an adventurous blogger. Both will make your arteries clench when you read about them, so that’s good. These items are the ravioli-topped pizza and the deep-fried beer-and-bacon-battered Doritos Loco Taco. [More]

Doritos Shells Arrive At Taco Bell Restaurants Nationwide Tonight At Midnight
UPDATE: After further review of when this news was posted and reviewing taco calendars, we realize that the Doritos tacos are actually ALREADY ON SALE. Forgive the confusion, and commence freaking out. [More]