Of all the phrases one might expect to find on a receipt — “Have a nice day!” “Come again!” — an insulting message is the last thing any customer wants to read. But a Panera Bread worker is now out of a job, after a customer said there was a strongly-worded note left on her receipt. [More]

Guy Dresses As 12-Foot CVS Receipt, Redeems Costume’s Discount Code At Actual CVS
We’ve seen creative consumers poking fun at CVS for its infamously long receipts in the past, but one Halloween reveler took the idea a bit more literally by dressing as a giant CVS sales slip, complete with working discount code. [More]

Waitress Receives “Tip” Telling Her To Stay Home With Nonexistent Husband, Kids
Here at Consumerist, we’re no stranger to the occasional restaurant receipt story: whether it’s a customer leaving a rude message, a discriminatory tip, or an employee calling customers names. In the most recent incident, a couple reportedly left a note to inform their waitress “her place is in the home.” [More]

Sonic Drive-In Fires Worker Over Receipts With Offensive Language
A Sonic Drive-In in Fort Worth has fired an employee after two customers said their lunch receipts included offensive language. [More]

Burger King Customer’s Card Declined After Cashier Tried To Charge $12,300 For Meal
It’s always a nerve-wracking moment when your payment card is declined — you know the feeling: your pulse races as images of negative account balances dance in front of your eyes. But one Burger King customer in the United Kingdom had to suffer through that feeling not because she couldn’t afford to pay for her meal, but because the cashier tried to overcharge her… by more than $12,000. [More]

Wheelchair-Using Couple Insulted By Restaurant Ticket Calling Them ‘Chair’
When you work in a restaurant, don’t put anything on a customer’s ticket that you wouldn’t want them to see. If you want to know why, you can take a look back in our archives… or just ask the couple in Texas who are annoyed with a local churrascaria that identified them on their receipt as “CHAIR.” [More]

Man Who Sued Costco After Altercation Led To Broken Leg Loses Case
Last September, a man in Oregon filed a $670,000 lawsuit against Costco claiming that a receipt-checking dispute left him with a broken leg. This week, a jury refused to award the man damages in the case. [More]

Customer Says Car Wash Worker Wrote “B*tch Is Crazy” On Her Receipt
I don’t work in human resources, but if I did I’d be sure that all applicants had to respond to the following hypothetical: “You’re annoyed at a customer (the reason doesn’t matter) and you have the opportunity to express that annoyance to said customer by scrawling an offensive note on a receipt that he or she will almost certainly see. Do you do it?” [More]

Restaurant Says Offensive Comment On Customer’s Receipt Was A Joke Meant For Kitchen Staff
A Mexican restaurant in Denver says an offensive message on a receipt was never meant to be seen by customers, and instead was just a form of smack talk between employees. [More]

New Orleans Restaurant Says It Fired Server For Adding Racist Slur To Customer’s Receipt
Every time we see a receipt that has some kind of slur, insult or otherwise awful language on it, we hope as hard as we can that it’s the last time. Sadly, yet another instance of humans being horrible to each other has surfaced: A New Orleans restaurant says it’s fired a server accused of adding the “N” word to a customer’s receipt yesterday. [More]

Scammers Manipulate Lowe’s Receipt-Checking Policy To Steal $80,000 In Tools
Many consumers don’t like it when stores check their receipts on the way out of the building, claiming it treats all shoppers like shoplifting suspects. But a trio of scammers had no problem showing their receipt at Lowe’s, running a multi-state shoplifting/return scheme for several months. [More]

Man Sues Costco For $670,000 After Receipt-Checking Incident Leaves Him With A Broken Leg
Over the years we’ve told you about all kinds of crazy situations – from pepper-sprayed employees to arrested customers – that arose when a consumer refused to show their receipt when leaving stores like Sam’s Club and Best Buy. Now a man in Oregon is suing Costco for $670,000, claiming that a receipt-checking dispute left him with a broken leg. [More]

Let’s All Pretend To Be Surprised That The LeSean McCoy $0.20 Tip Receipt Is For Sale
It is my sincerest hope that the waiter who received a $0.20 tip on a $61 restaurant tab paid for by NFL running back LeSean McCoy is going to reap at least some financial gain from the sale of the now infamous receipt, which is for sale on eBay at a high bid of about $99,000 as of this writing. Leaving us completely unsurprised, of course, because when a piece of paper makes the news like this, someone’s probably willing to shell out the big bucks to own a moment in tipping history. [More]

Burger King Customer Upset At Profane Name On Receipt
It’s not clear how the party name “Bitch Ass Hoes” ended up on the Burger King receipt of a party of two women. Was it an employee’s prank for a friend that printed out for the wrong customer? Was the name not supposed to print out at all? Was the employee operating the register exceptionally rude? Burger King and the franchisee are investigating, and the grandmother who received the order remains upset. [More]

Waitress Who Claims She Got Anti-Gay Receipt May Not Have Donated Money As Promised
The saga continues for the New Jersey waitress who became Internet-famous when she claimed she’d been stiffed on a tip by diners who voiced disapproval of her sexual orientation on their receipt, an allegation that has subsequently been discredited. Now comes news that the waitress, an ex-Marine, may not have made good on her promise to donate the money she received from supporters to the Wounded Warrior Project. [More]

Saving All Those Super Long CVS Receipts Pays Off When You Need A Mummy Costume
There are plenty of last-minute Halloween costumes to be had, but instead of ruining a perfectly good white sheet by fashioning it into a ghost, or wasting toilet paper you’ve paid your hard-earned money for, why not just use something any CVS customer has a lot of? Free paper. [More]

Snacking On The Receipt Of A Forged Credit Card Is One Way To Get Your Fiber (And Also Arrested)
Remember, kids: Mastication won’t cover your tracks if you’ve forged a credit card. Because now that you just spent a few glorious moments chewing up receipt paper, you’re still going to need to prove you purchased those items lawfully. Here’s where one Florida man charged with theft apparently didn’t think things through. [More]