Yet another restaurant has forgotten to include lessons about why one should not put racial slurs in place of the customer’s name in their order information, since that information is printed out and given to the customer. A black teen in Denver bought a pizza at a Papa John’s franchise, and was surprised to find the racial slur politely called “the N-word” printed on the box. [More]
insulting receipts

These Restaurant Employees Should Probably Stop Mocking Customers On Their Tabs
Here’s the problem with making jokes about your customers in the point-of-sale system at a restaurant: you really should make sure that you erase those jokes before there’s any chance that your customer might see them. Better yet, maybe stick to making fun of customers the old-fashioned way. In the kitchen or the break room. Where they can’t hear you. [More]

Wheelchair-Using Couple Insulted By Restaurant Ticket Calling Them ‘Chair’
When you work in a restaurant, don’t put anything on a customer’s ticket that you wouldn’t want them to see. If you want to know why, you can take a look back in our archives… or just ask the couple in Texas who are annoyed with a local churrascaria that identified them on their receipt as “CHAIR.” [More]

Rude Note On Domino’s Box Scolds Customer For Late Order
Having worked in the foodservice industry, I am familiar with that unique sensation of “C’mon… seriously?” when someone wants to place an order only minutes to go before shutting down for the night. At the same time — unlike the workers at a Texas Domino’s store — I never vented my frustration with a mean little note for the customer to take home with them. [More]

Customer Says Car Wash Worker Wrote “B*tch Is Crazy” On Her Receipt
I don’t work in human resources, but if I did I’d be sure that all applicants had to respond to the following hypothetical: “You’re annoyed at a customer (the reason doesn’t matter) and you have the opportunity to express that annoyance to said customer by scrawling an offensive note on a receipt that he or she will almost certainly see. Do you do it?” [More]

Restaurant Says Offensive Comment On Customer’s Receipt Was A Joke Meant For Kitchen Staff
A Mexican restaurant in Denver says an offensive message on a receipt was never meant to be seen by customers, and instead was just a form of smack talk between employees. [More]

New Orleans Restaurant Says It Fired Server For Adding Racist Slur To Customer’s Receipt
Every time we see a receipt that has some kind of slur, insult or otherwise awful language on it, we hope as hard as we can that it’s the last time. Sadly, yet another instance of humans being horrible to each other has surfaced: A New Orleans restaurant says it’s fired a server accused of adding the “N” word to a customer’s receipt yesterday. [More]

Burger King Customer Upset At Profane Name On Receipt
It’s not clear how the party name “Bitch Ass Hoes” ended up on the Burger King receipt of a party of two women. Was it an employee’s prank for a friend that printed out for the wrong customer? Was the name not supposed to print out at all? Was the employee operating the register exceptionally rude? Burger King and the franchisee are investigating, and the grandmother who received the order remains upset. [More]