It’s always a nerve-wracking moment when your payment card is declined — you know the feeling: your pulse races as images of negative account balances dance in front of your eyes. But one Burger King customer in the United Kingdom had to suffer through that feeling not because she couldn’t afford to pay for her meal, but because the cashier tried to overcharge her… by more than $12,000. [More]
hey big spender

Report: Holiday Shoppers Saved So Much On Gas, They Spent 8% More This Year
If you felt like you reached into your wallet a few more times this holiday season than last year, or that you were forking over bigger chunks of change, you’re not alone: a new report says retail sales were up 7.9% over 2014’s numbers. [More]

9 Things We Learned From The Interview With Supposed “Tips For Jesus” Ringleader
Where there’s smoke, there just has to be fire. Which is why we’ve all been stymied by the mysterious rash of overly generous tips that have been popping up in restaurants, coffee shops and bars across the nation. On a lot of those receipts, there’s a unifying addition scrawled after tips of $1,000 or $3,000: “Tips for Jesus.” So who is this big tipper — or tippers — making the fires?

Restaurant Customer Tips Three Waitresses $5,000 Each
There’s one trend we have the distinct pleasure in seeing spread, and that is when customers settle big, fat tips on their servers just because. Because it’s fun to surprise people with an unexpected hefty tip, because some people have money to spread around — whatever the case, it’s fun. And it’s even more fun for three waitresses who received $5,000 tips over the weekend. [More]

Waitress Has A Few Questions For Customer Who Left Her A Bogus $200,000 Tip
It’s a beautiful day when someone gives you a lump of money — the sun is suddenly shining brightly and little birds come swooping out of the heavens to trill a melodious tune in your ears! But while one waitress in St. Louis thought she had received her happy financial ending in the form of a $200,000 tip, the reality is she was only left with questions. Number one on that list: Why would you give someone a tip that amounts to nothing? [More]

Broke College Students Resorting To Sugar Daddies & Donating Baby-Making Cells To Cover Tuition
In case you hadn’t heard, college is like, really really expensive these days. Some students have their parents to help out, and many take out loans (even if they don’t know it). And then there are those willing to go to unconventional lengths to scrape up enough cash to cover the costs of their educations — things liked donating eggs and sperm, connecting with a sugar daddy or turning their bodies over to science. [More]

Study: Men Don't Feel The Need To Spend As Much On Dates If There Are Plenty Of Women To Be Had
If you’re the kind of lady who absolutely loves it when a guy goes totally nuts and splashes out on fancy dates and all that wining and dining that goes with it, you better head to somewhere with less women around, according to a new study. Researchers say if men detect a shortage of the ladyfolk, they’re more likely to spend spontaneously in order to seem attractive. It’s all about biology! [More]