Last September, a man in Oregon filed a $670,000 lawsuit against Costco claiming that a receipt-checking dispute left him with a broken leg. This week, a jury refused to award the man damages in the case. [More]
receipt checking

Scammers Manipulate Lowe’s Receipt-Checking Policy To Steal $80,000 In Tools
Many consumers don’t like it when stores check their receipts on the way out of the building, claiming it treats all shoppers like shoplifting suspects. But a trio of scammers had no problem showing their receipt at Lowe’s, running a multi-state shoplifting/return scheme for several months. [More]

Video Shows 78-Year-Old Walmart Worker Injuring Hip Trying To Check Shoplifter’s Receipt
While we certainly understand and appreciate the idea of employing older Americans as greeters at Walmart, we cringe every time we come across a story of another elderly worker injured after being put in the position of trying to prevent shoplifting. [More]

Man Sues Costco For $670,000 After Receipt-Checking Incident Leaves Him With A Broken Leg
Over the years we’ve told you about all kinds of crazy situations – from pepper-sprayed employees to arrested customers – that arose when a consumer refused to show their receipt when leaving stores like Sam’s Club and Best Buy. Now a man in Oregon is suing Costco for $670,000, claiming that a receipt-checking dispute left him with a broken leg. [More]

Walmart Worker Pepper-Sprayed After Asking For Customer’s Receipt
We’ve written any number of stories over the years about customers and store employees getting into arguments, even a bit of fisticuffs, over the whole receipt-checking thing, but this may be the first time that we’ve heard of a customer using pepper spray when asked to show his receipt. [More]

Couple Arrested Following Physical Confrontation With Best Buy Receipt-Checker
No one really likes to have their receipt checked when they leave a store — and some people will outright refuse to show the receipt if their local laws say they don’t have to. But there’s really no need for receipt-checking incidents to get physical. [More]

Former Costco Employee Responds To Man Who Refuses To Show Membership Card Or Have Receipt Checked
Yesterday, we told you about the California man who, in spite of being aware of Costco policy when he became a member, refuses to show his membership card when he enters the store and makes it impossible for his receipt to be checked on the way out. Today, someone who actually worked at Costco writes in with a rebuttal. [More]

More Obnoxious: Agreeing to Membership Rules You Have No Intention of Following, Or Having Your Receipt Checked?
At most stores, it’s reasonable for customers to walk in without being aware of that retailer’s particular policies. But when you sign up for a members-only warehouse store like Costco, it’s made pretty clear from the get-go that you’re agreeing to abide by the store’s rules. Isn’t that the trade-off for being able to buy Snickers by the carton? [More]

Calm Man Successfully Buys TV And Denies Walmart Receipt Checkers
Rick is the Gandhi of receipt-check deniers. He writes in with a story of how he bought a 37 inch TV from Walmart and was able to successfully say no to the receipt checker blocking his way with his body. Rick did this by calmly and reasonably explaining his position to the assistant manager who showed up and by ignoring everyone around him who was trying to provoke him. Sometimes the quietest voice speaks the loudest. [More]

Best Buy Receipt Checker: 'I Do What I Do For Your Own Good'
An anonymous reader who says he works part-time for Best Buy as a “loss prevention” guy whose job it is to check your receipt as you exit the store writes in to defend his practice. He says doing his job right is not only best for him and the company, but for you, the consumer. [More]

Best Buy Actually Thanks Consumerist; Open To Suggestions On Whole Receipt-Checking Thing
Most Consumerist readers would guess that it’s unlikely that the people at Best Buy will be inviting us over for dinner anytime soon. So it’s a nice surprise to see the company actually thanking us for a story. [More]

How To Let Best Buy Know How You Feel About Its Receipt Checking Policy
Waiting until you’re leaving the store with a purchase to defy Best Buy’s receipt-checking policy makes for entertaining stories, but a more effective long-term solution is to go to the source and let your voice be heard. [More]

Armed Walmart Guard Swipes My Property Because I Wouldn't Show Receipt
It became a blacker Friday than Stephen anticipated when he tried to exit a SoCal Walmart without showing his receipt to the doorman. He says an armed security guard took exception to Stephen’s intentions and shook him down, detaining him until a Walmart manager took Stephen’s bag against his will. He claims he didn’t get the merchandise back until a policeman showed up and retrieved it. [More]

Cop Threatens To Arrest Guy For Refusing To Show Receipt At Best Buy
Mark used a gift card to buy a couple DVDs at a Florida Best Buy, then walked out the door without showing his receipt to the employee at the door. For this “crime,” a sheriff’s deputy stopped Mark and threatened to arrest him if he didn’t go back and let an employee check his receipt. [More]

McDonald's Potty Cop: No Receipt, No Bathroom
If you thought Walmart checking your receipt before letting you leave the store was bad, get a load of this McDonald’s who won’t let you go to the bathroom without showing your proof of purchase to the “bathroom bouncer.” [More]

Walmart Asks You To Please Have Your Receipt Ready
So as to mentally prime shopper drones to show their papers, a MI Walmart has taped a sign to its cash registers asking them to keep their receipts out for the greeters. [More]

My Best Buy Folds Receipts Lengthwise, Asks Me To Keep It In My Hand So Doorman Can Check It
When I was in kindergarten, my mom would sometimes pin a note for my teacher on my shirt. An Illinois Best Buy has apparently brought her on in a consulting capacity, given the condescending receipt-check policy Kim spotted there. [More]

Receipt Checker Avoidance Tactic: Confuse Them With Extreme Politeness
Reader Matt wants to share his technique for waltzing past the Walmart receipt checkers with a minimum of hassle. The secret? Be super nice, but don’t stop walking. [More]