
BJ-Minded BK Ad Lets You Have Creepiness Your Way

BJ-Minded BK Ad Lets You Have Creepiness Your Way

Clifton forwarded us this shot of a new Burger King ad. We don’t even want to know what’s in the special sauce of the Super Seven Incher.


It turns out X-ray glasses don’t work, at least not the ones this guy in Korea was selling. [Korea Times] (Thanks to Andrew!)

Mindy Is Not A Beanbag

Mindy Is Not A Beanbag

The founder of, an online beanbag company known for high quality products and good prices but not necessarily great follow-through on the shipping/delivery side of things, responded personally to our post yesterday on Eric’s troubles with them. Among other things, he says our theory about Mindy is incorrect: “She is not a bean bag.”

Sausage Package Illustrates What Happens When You're A Jerk To The Copywriter

Sausage Package Illustrates What Happens When You're A Jerk To The Copywriter

We did try to investigate the truthfulness of the statement on the package, but Wikipedia offered no evidence that Mr. Harriott was at all unpleasant.

Jake Hunts For A Good Laptop

Jake Hunts For A Good Laptop

Funny or Die has a pretty funny, nsfw parody of the current Microsoft “You find it, you keep it” commercials. Jake’s in the market for a decent laptop that can meet his needs, which include a big screen, the ability to go online, and enough cash left over for some subscriptions to certain adult websites. It’s basically what the real commercial would look like in a world without TV censors.

'Less Plastic' Label On Mega-Plasticked Thumb Drives Makes Us Wonder What 'More Plastic' Looks Like

'Less Plastic' Label On Mega-Plasticked Thumb Drives Makes Us Wonder What 'More Plastic' Looks Like

Thumb drives on sale at Costco now proudly boast “Now Packaged With Less Plastic” labels on their cumbersome, plastic-riffic packaging.

Are You A Pro-Sumer? Let Bill Quain, PhD, Show You How!

Are You A Pro-Sumer? Let Bill Quain, PhD, Show You How!

Amway! There, we just saved you the trouble of reading Pro-Sumer Power!, Bill Quain’s riveting get-rich-quick book from 2000, which Alan Scherstuhl found in a thrift store recently and recaps for your amusement over at the Village Voice. You see, producers make money. Consumers spend money. And Pro-sumers make money while they spend. Still not clear? You’re a banana when you should be some sort of banana-gorilla hybrid.

Shell Introduces Ice Cream That You Can Grill With

Shell Introduces Ice Cream That You Can Grill With

It looks like Shell has finally figured out a way to combine the awesomeness of ice cream with the grilling power of propane. It probably doesn’t taste very good, though. (Thanks to swarrior216!)

Sprint Employee Changes Customer's Name To "Pain In The A$$"?

Sprint Employee Changes Customer's Name To "Pain In The A$$"?

Update: Some of our readers who are Sprint customers say they don’t think the screenshots are legit. We asked Sprint for an opinion, and they responded, “We had noticed the post on earlier today and are tracking down the answer. I’ll get back to you asap.” We’ll post further updates when they arrive.

Jansen Medical Does Not Appreciate You Having Questions, Goodbye

Jansen Medical Does Not Appreciate You Having Questions, Goodbye

Courtney had some questions about an order she wanted to place with Jansen Medical Supply of Houston. Their website offers large discounts on medical equipment and chairs that automatically dump grandma on the floor when it’s time for her to leave. What they don’t offer, however, is answers. Courtney found out the hard way, and we’re not sure but we think she’s been banned from ordering from them. Well, unless she disguises her voice and calls back.

Zappos Customer Service Is Pleasant And Effective In The Third Person

Zappos Customer Service Is Pleasant And Effective In The Third Person

Yes, Zappos has famously good customer service, and should be regarded as the gold standard of awesome. We know this. We just had to share this highly amusing customer service chat transcript. The post’s author (and chatter “Timmy”) wanted to check out the quality and flexibility of Zappos’s chat agents, and started with an odd, but not implausible, scenario.

Alert: Crunchberries Are Not Real Berries

Alert: Crunchberries Are Not Real Berries

Late last month, a U.S. District Court judge dismissed a complaint filed by a woman who said she’d been buying Cap’n Crunch’s Crunch Berries cereal for four years under the assumption that crunchberries are a real berry. “The plaintiff, Janine Sugawara, alleged that she had only recently learned to her dismay that said ‘berries’ were in fact simply brightly-colored cereal balls.”

Seattle TV Station Offers Delicious Accidental Chicken Barbecue Recipes

Seattle TV Station Offers Delicious Accidental Chicken Barbecue Recipes

Seattle TV station KIRO, like a lot of media organizations, has sponsored links on their front page. This is all well and good, since you have to pay for the camera(wo)men and the antennae and the pixels somehow. The problem is that sometimes sad news stories and contextual advertising lead to… hilarity.

Weezer Introduces Weezer-Branded Snuggie, A Piece Of Us Dies Inside

Weezer Introduces Weezer-Branded Snuggie, A Piece Of Us Dies Inside

Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo has decided to follow his rock heroes Kiss down the road of poor merchandising decisions and is partnering with everyone’s favorite wearable blanket to introduce The Wuggie. This is actually happening.

Video: Comedic Rendering Of Banks' Reaction To The CARD Act

Video: Comedic Rendering Of Banks' Reaction To The CARD Act

From, here’s a comedic rendering of what credit card companies‘ reaction to the CARD Act must have been like. Warning: language and content not safe for work, children, or people who don’t like steak.

Finally, A Competitor To The ShamWow Has Arrived

Finally, A Competitor To The ShamWow Has Arrived

There’s this new towel technology that Steve here is showing off, and it’s got us pretty impressed. We may have finally found something to replace all of our ShamWows.

How To Tell If You Have Religious Food

How To Tell If You Have Religious Food

Last week, a couple in Dallas discovered a Jesus-shaped Cheeto in their bag of Cheetos. They promptly named it Cheesus, which is a masterstroke of marketing (although not that original, it turns out), and are considering auctioning it off on eBay—with the implied threat that if it doesn’t sell, they may just eat it. The big question you may be asking yourself now is, “How can I get in on this racket?”

Seth Green Gives Sound Financial Advice In Special Cribs Clip

Seth Green Gives Sound Financial Advice In Special Cribs Clip

Seth Green takes you on a tour of his crib in this clip from Un-Broke, a financial program airing next Friday on ABC. “BOOM! That’s math all over your face!”