Longtime commenter, and honorary Consumer Reports labcoat owner, GitEmSteveDave needs help. He wants to sing a parody version of Rebecca Black’s “Friday,” except about “Black Friday.” He’s a gifted an enthusiastic singer… the one thing he’s missing are the lyrics. [More]

Write A Black Friday Parody Of Rebecca Black's "Friday"

Man Tries To Rob Burger King With A Sock
You know the economy is bad when crooks can’t even afford decent stick-up weapons. Police have arrested a man who tried to rob a Burger King, using a sock. [More]

Travelers Would Actually Pay Attention To Pre-Flight Safety Instructions If They Were More Like This
Airlines should take a cue from this sketch video and incorporate more dance moves into their pre-flight safety instructions if they really want passengers to start paying attention. [More]

Unfortunate Caller ID Foreshortening For The Original Honeybaked Ham Company
Probably should have thought that one through. [More]

Every Halloween Costume Can Be "Sexy." Every. Single. One.
Every Halloween they come out with another batch of “sexy” costumes. We’ve seen sexy pirate wench outfits for little girls, and sexy Catholic School girl costumes for dogs, but illustrator Jillian Tamaki doesn’t think we’ve gone quite far enough. [More]

Vicks Accidentally Says It's Been Around For 1,000 Years
A typo on the Vicks website makes it look as if Vicks is saying it’s been around for 1,000+ years. Yes, indeed, perhaps what really ended the Dark Ages was the discovery of Vaporub. With it, William the Conqueror’s congestion and coughing from hanging out in musty castles could be relieved and he could get on with the business of invading England and establishing a more unified and stable feudal system of governance. [More]

Starbucks Barista Fired For Posting Satirical Song
Starbucks fired a barista last week after his satirical song aimed at his employer went viral. In it, the ex-barista, wearing nothing but a Starbucks smock, croons an acoustic guitar ballad about how baristas trick customers when they’re short on supplies, how rude customers stink, and the drink purchasing habits of different races. [More]

Coleman Live Help Only Open 1 Minute Once Per Week?
Hopefully this is some kind of typo, but, as it stands, Coleman’s website says that its live chat help is only available for one minute, once a week. Better set an alarm and have your finger poised over the mouse if you want to get in! [More]

Baguette ATM Hits Paris Streets
A new vending machine just hit the streets of Paris dispensing freshly baked baguettes. [More]

Bat Ejected For Refusing To Sit Down On Airplane
On Friday, a Delta pilot was forced to return to the airport when a bat began flying around the cabin 15 minutes after takeoff and ignored instructions from the crew and his fellow passengers. [More]

Judge Spices Up Order With Corn-Pone Comedy
A Kentucky judge’s order in a tense malpractice suit went viral this week after folks were amused by the corn-pone humor and mixed metaphors that he used to enliven a normally straight-forward legal document. Among the colorful phrases, the judge wrote that he was glad the case was settled as he would have preferred to “have jumped naked off of a 12-foot step ladder into a 5 gallon bucket of porcupines” than to preside over it. [More]

Colbert Interviews The Vampire Who Foreclosed On Wells Fargo
The story of the guy who foreclosed on Wells Fargo after they messed up his mortgage insurance just got the Colbert bump. [More]

Two English Lads Visit Their First Walmart, Make Cheeky Commentary
Just about everything sounds better in a British accent, including outsider commentary on the banal/hilarious/beautiful details found inside a typical Walmart. [More]

Colbert Makes Dude Version Of Summer's Eve Hand Puppet Ads
In order to rectify a troubling imbalance in the world, the Colbert Report made a spoof commercial of the Summer’s Eve talking vaginal hand puppets, just for men. [More]

China Shuts Down Two Fake Apple stores
Chinese officials moved to shut down two detailed fake Apple stores in Kumnmig after a blogger’s post exposing the counterfeits went viral. [More]

Frustrating Chat With A Comcast Rep Impersonating A Robot
Is it a man or a robot? A robot impersonating a man? A man impersonating a robot? Such are the questions that flitted through bobbymac’s head as he engaged in text-based dialogue with a Comcast customer service rep. [More]