
Bad Luck Facebook Scammer, You Picked A Target Who Reads Consumerist

Bad Luck Facebook Scammer, You Picked A Target Who Reads Consumerist

When some lowlife tried to scam Andy the other day through his friend’s hijacked Gmail account, Andy tried to get him to use PayPal, and he came up with a great reason why. “It’s the fastest way to send money,” Andy told the scammer. “Once I deposit the funds, you can print it out of any color printer and it’s real money!” Another reader was so amused by it that she decided to use it on her own Facebook scammer earlier today.

Target Saves You Money In Ways You Can Only Imagine

Target Saves You Money In Ways You Can Only Imagine

Target continues its rebranding as the Duchamp of retail stores, with this receipt that indicates savings where no savings ever existed. Or perhaps multi-dimensional savings; we can’t pretend to know what Target sees when it stares into the void. Mark notes, “The cookies were on sale, as indicated. The cascade, I had a coupon for it to be free. Total savings should be $4.23. The receipt says $7.37. Maybe it’s a conspiracy since it is the Love Field (near the airport) in Dallas where Southwest flies only 737s.” That’s as good an explanation as any, Mark. Maybe you should work for Target?

Delta: Not Receiving Any Additional Goods Or Services From Us Is "Free!"

Delta: Not Receiving Any Additional Goods Or Services From Us Is "Free!"

Here’s a little something that sums up the state of air travel in our nation. Reader Drew was checking in to his Delta flight yesterday when he noticed that not checking any bags was described as “free.”

Colbert's Credit Card Pre-Approved For Its Own Credit Card

Colbert's Credit Card Pre-Approved For Its Own Credit Card

“Being in a financial hole is as American as borrowing apple pie.” Colbert took on credit card reform last night. Here’s the clip. The best part is where his credit card is approved for its own credit card.

FDA to General Mills: Your Marketing Has Made Cheerios Into A Drug

FDA to General Mills: Your Marketing Has Made Cheerios Into A Drug

Do you want to know something about Cheerios that, until recently, General Mills didn’t know? Of course you do. Cheerios is a drug. No, really. The WSJ Health Blog says that General Mills made a slight, um, let’s call it a “miscalculation” when they were drafting their marketing speech and by claiming that Cheerios is “clinically proven to lower cholesterol,” they inadvertently “cause[d] it to be a drug.” Whoopsies!

Bear Grylls Loves Post Trail Mix, When He Can't Grab A Handful Of Goat Balls And Spiders

Bear Grylls Loves Post Trail Mix, When He Can't Grab A Handful Of Goat Balls And Spiders

-That’s why you’re a junior account manager, Chuck. You don’t think outside the box.

Barnes & Noble Shelves "Diary of Anne Frank," "Guiness Book of World Records" Under Fiction

Barnes & Noble Shelves "Diary of Anne Frank," "Guiness Book of World Records" Under Fiction

When reader Lynn asked an employee at the Tyson’s Corner Barnes & Noble in McLean, VA why the Diary of Anne Frank and the Guiness Book of World Records were shelved under fiction, he jokingly responded: “Some Albanian probably put it there.” Good one, Barnes & Noble!!! Full picture, inside.

Congressman Mike Doyle Is Pretty Much Done With These Auto Warranty Calls

Congressman Mike Doyle Is Pretty Much Done With These Auto Warranty Calls

Our favorite congressman, Mike Doyle (D-PA), is also fed up with the robocalls telling him his car warranty is about to expire. For those keeping track, that’s two elected officials that these robocalllers have illegally called recently. If the internet doesn’t take them out first, hopefully our public servants will. Thanks, Kenneth!

Feeling Too Rich? Here's A Bag Of Rocks And A Jar For $25

Feeling Too Rich? Here's A Bag Of Rocks And A Jar For $25

We get that people want to buy objects that either represent or remind them of their faith. We don’t get Stonemarkers, though.

Better Bring Some Wire Clippers With You When You Shop At This Walmart

Better Bring Some Wire Clippers With You When You Shop At This Walmart

You’ll need them to cut off the right amount of penny at the cash register. Or, we suppose you could add something to your cart that includes 6/10 of a penny to even it all out—but that’s how they get you, with those “even penny” purchases. (Thanks to Amanda!)

Behold, The 6 Worst Airline Passengers of 2009

Behold, The 6 Worst Airline Passengers of 2009

Yes, Rick Seaney of is rounding up the worst airline passengers of 2009 — in May. Maybe he’s optimistic and doesn’t expect the lady who drank all the hand soap from the lavatory to be topped in the many months ahead — or maybe he just wants to write a follow-up in December. Either way, we love it.

Macbook Air Stabbed In Face With Kitchen Knife

Macbook Air Stabbed In Face With Kitchen Knife

Well here’s one way to say you think the Macbook Air hinge sucks… by stabbing it in the face with a kitchen knife! Ree! Ree! Ree! Ree! I dunno, maybe people who can’t type also can’t open and close their Macbooks properly. Just a thought.

Man Sends Silly Complaint Letters To Companies, Receives Silly Responses

Man Sends Silly Complaint Letters To Companies, Receives Silly Responses

“Chad Bradley” likes to write letters to companies. Unlike a normal crank, however, his letters are filled with complaints about surreal or nonsensical things, or they offer useless ideas for product improvements. (To the makers of Connect 4, for example, he suggests a new game called Connect 1.) The letters are entertaining enough on their own, but what’s even better is sometimes the companies write back.

Need A Cheap Way To Bring In Business? Try Mannequin Breasts

Need A Cheap Way To Bring In Business? Try Mannequin Breasts

An Ohio barbeque restaurant owner was having trouble getting drive-by customers to stop, so he decided to prop a mannequin in a bikini top outside (warning: video). He says that over the past three weeks she’s been standing in front of his store, he’s had over 70 new customers come in and buy food—a 30% increase in business. So far, he says, no complaints; apparently his “mail girl” even donated a different top and some Daisy Dukes that he’s going to use on the dummy next week.

Fans Beg The Cubs To Stop Playing Annoying Commercial Jingle At Wrigley

Fans Beg The Cubs To Stop Playing Annoying Commercial Jingle At Wrigley

If one had a few hours free to try to list all the of the annoying commercial jingles from Chicagoland, one would be remiss not to include the locally-infamous “Luna” tune. If you’re not from Chicago, you do not understand the pain, but after the jump you will. Yes, you will.


Here’s why you don’t rely solely on Twitter for news about health scares. [xkcd] (Thanks to Rebecca!)

This Blockbuster Has Pretty Much Given Up

This Blockbuster Has Pretty Much Given Up

(Thanks to Jess!)

KFC's Grilled Chicken Giveaway Used Very Small Chickens

KFC's Grilled Chicken Giveaway Used Very Small Chickens

We sort of figured today’s grilled chicken giveaway at participating KFC’s would be approximately meal-sized—if you could stand the crowd and make it to the counter before they ran out, you’d have a free lunch in your belly. Apparently we were wrong. Here, for your freebie-craving pleasure, is a virtual KFC chicken piece just like what reader BlazerUnit received earlier today.