You don’t have to read the business pages to know that recent decades have resulted in massive corporate consolidation. Whether it’s air travel, wireless service, internet, banking, or eyeglasses, a number of industries have enjoyed such merger mania that only a few national competitors remain. [More]
customer service

FedEx Refuses To Believe Madonna Is Actually Madonna, Won’t Deliver Package
Madonna is perhaps one of the most easily recognized musician/actor/activist/whatever-else-she-does in the world, despite her frequently changing personas. But try telling that to FedEx. [More]

United Passengers Terrified After Pilot Warns They’ll Be Flying Through “Horrific” Storms And Tornadoes
Some passengers on a United Airlines flight this week heading for Newark were more worried they’d end up in Oz instead of New Jersey after they say the pilot warned them before takeoff that they’d be heading through some particularly nasty weather. [More]

Would You Video Chat With An Airline Customer Service Rep?
Sometimes you simply can’t get your frustration with an airline across simply by raising your voice talking to a customer service representative on the phone. Now you can look someone in the face via video conferencing — at least at Delta Air Lines. [More]

Same-Sex Couple Claims Server Told Them Sharing A Dessert “Wouldn’t Look Right”
Sharing a dessert with your dining companion is nothing new, but a same-sex couple in D.C. claims that when they asked their server for two spoons so they could split a sundae, they were told such a thing wouldn’t be possible, and doesn’t go with the “ambiance” of the restaurant. [More]

Customer Service Worker Gone Rogue Tells KFC, Pizza Hut Customers To Order Domino’s Next Time
If you’re going to fire a customer service rep, you need to make sure they can’t get back into your system and wreak havoc… like the former rep who managed to reply to dozens of emails from KFC and Pizza Hut, telling them the restaurants don’t care about complaints anymore, and to just “order from Domino’s next time.” [More]

United Airlines CEO Says More Changes Coming
Following an incident in which a passenger was violently removed from a flight, United Airlines last week unveiled a number of policy changes — including increasing compensation for bumping passengers, reducing overbooking, and providing more employee training — meant to ensure such incidents don’t happen in the future. Now, the carrier’s CEO says those changes won’t be the last. [More]

People Who Paid Thousands For “Luxury” Music Festival Stuck In The Bahamas After Event Falls Apart
For some, an outdoor music festival means portable toilets, camping, and braving the elements in the name of a good time with good tunes. But for music lovers who shelled out anywhere from $1,500 to $200,000 for a ticket to a “luxury” festival experience in the Bahamas that promised famous faces and fancy food, they were expecting a much more lavish experience than what reality provided. [More]

L.L. Bean Orders Delayed Up To A Week After Problem With Systems Upgrade
As if L.L. Bean hasn’t had enough problems getting its popular and often backordered duck boots onto the feet of customers, some recent buyers will remain bootless a bit longer as issues with a systems upgrade has forced the company to delay shipments. [More]

Delta’s Travel Woes Left Man’s Body Stranded For Days
A North Carolina family says Delta Air Line’s recent spate of cancelations and delays was particularly hard on them, as it left their late son’s body stuck in a cargo hold over the weekend. [More]

United Airlines CEO: Passenger Dragged Off Flight Was “Disruptive And Belligerent”
In a letter to employees late on Monday night, United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz said he “emphatically” stands behind workers amid the uproar over videos showing a passenger who was forcibly pulled from a flight on Sunday by airport police, after he became “disruptive and belligerent.” [More]

Delta Throws Multi-Airport Pizza Party After Canceling 300 Flights Due To Weather
No one likes it when their flight gets canceled. But if there’s anything that can alleviate that annoying experience, it’s the healing power of pizza. Delta Air Lines knows this, which is why it hosted a multi-airport pizza party after canceling 300 flights. [More]