
Who's Responsible For The Chinese Poison Train? Us!

Who's Responsible For The Chinese Poison Train? Us!

Apparently we were wrong about this whole “Chinese Poison Train” thing. It turns out that it was “filthy U.S. inspectors” who were tainting “pristine Chinese shipments” all along, according to The Onion.

Customer Visits Verizon CEO's Home, Gives Him A Taste Of No Privacy

Customer Visits Verizon CEO's Home, Gives Him A Taste Of No Privacy

John Hargrave of comedy site tracked down the personal info of Verizon’s CEO, then showed up with a bullhorn to illustrate what a lack of privacy feels like. “Ivan Seidenberg! I’m here on behalf of Verizon customers. PLEASE DO A BETTER JOB PROTECTING YOUR CUSTOMERS’ CELL PHONE RECORDS! Everyone has the right to privacy, including you Ivan! When we don’t have privacy, then freaks with bullhorns start showing up on our front lawn.”

Money-Saving Tips To Avoid At All Costs

Money-Saving Tips To Avoid At All Costs

Anyone can toss together a list of money-saving tips, but it takes a keen, skeptical eye to weigh money-saving advise with care and compile a list of tips so dumb they should be avoided.

The Cutting Edge of Balloon Delivery

The Cutting Edge of Balloon Delivery

In my new personal version of hell, I’m the owner of a Beautiful Balloon franchise teaching my employees to develop artificial balloon delivery personas, with only this instructional video as my guide.

Urban Expressions Craft Store Calls Customer A Whore

Urban Expressions Craft Store Calls Customer A Whore

The only thing crazier than people involved with wedding planning are people in the scrapbooking supply industry, it seems. Weddingbee reports that an online craft supply store called Urban Expressions (not to be confused with the handbag company) completely lost it when an angry customer wrote in asking why they had neither shipped the item she’d bought nor specified otherwise as promised. Their response makes us understand why they chose the name “Urban Expressions” for their store.

Bas Rutten Does Not Like Cell Phone Contracts

Bas Rutten Does Not Like Cell Phone Contracts

Here’s a funny commercial starring Bas Rutten for some prepaid cellphone company. You probably shouldn’t try this with your own cellphone company, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be thinking like Bas while disputing that ETF.

Sears Customer Service Runaround Results In New Sander

Sears Customer Service Runaround Results In New Sander

Can we tag a story “above and beyond” if the customer service cycle is so screwed up that it eventually works out in the customer’s favor? When jpodbuild tried to get his Craftsman sander repaired or replaced, he couldn’t get anyone on the phone who could actually help him—eventually he would end up back at the first number he’d called. He decided to show up in person and let the store manager handle the phone calls. New sander!

Dave Carroll Says No To Guitar Hush Money From United

Dave Carroll Says No To Guitar Hush Money From United

We officially love Dave Carroll now. Not only is he cute and a good singer, but he’s classy (check out how he defends the United employee in this video response) and has principles. The best part is at the end he encourages us to stay tuned for song #2. United hoped it could pay for the guitar and put an end to the bad publicity—but it looks like you’re not getting off that easily, United. Check out the full video response below.

The 7 Types Of Employees You Meet At Best Buy

The 7 Types Of Employees You Meet At Best Buy

Gizmodo paired up a former Best Buy employee with a professional illustrator and created a taxonomy of seven Best Buy employees you’re likely to meet whenever you shop there. The two who probably get the most coverage on our site (and who are probably the most annoying in general): Pervy Geek Squad Guy and Slick Careerist Manager.

Glamour Shots Now Does Boudoir Photography?

Glamour Shots Now Does Boudoir Photography?

Dallas writes, “Hey, I just saw this ad in on a local newspaper website. Glamour shots has apparently ‘changed.’ I guess they think there might be a market for people who will pay for nudie pics of themselves.”


Dave Carroll’s “United Breaks Guitars” song and video EECB appears to be having the desired effect. Check out this tweet from United. [Twitter] (Thanks to Chris!) Update: Dave Carroll responds.

Lender Makes Borrowers Pledge Their Souls

Lender Makes Borrowers Pledge Their Souls

Mirosiichenko said his company would not employ debt collectors to get its money back if people refused to repay, and promised no physical violence. Signatories only have to give their first name and do not show any documents. “If they don’t give it back, what can you do? They won’t have a soul, that’s all.”

United Breaks Guitars

United Breaks Guitars

When United Airlines broke Dave Carroll’s $3500 Taylor guitar in the the spring of 2008, he contacted them to ask for compensation. After all, he and other passengers watched from the plane as United baggage handlers actually threw his guitar around on the tarmac. United said they wouldn’t pay for the damages, so Carroll wrote this catchy song about how much United sucks. We think it should go in United’s next ad campaign.

Wells Fargo Teller Explains The Ways Of The Desert To Customer

Wells Fargo Teller Explains The Ways Of The Desert To Customer

A misinformed bank teller at a Wells Fargo in Arizona was determined to explain how desert life worked to a woman who just wanted to buy some GPB (pounds sterling, aka British money).

Get Stingy When Trying To Save Money

Get Stingy When Trying To Save Money

If the recession has yielded one positive result, it’s the way the economy has finally made it less shameful to give in to our inner Scrooge McDucks.

Everyone Knows How To Handle A Stolen Checkbook Except For Verizon

Everyone Knows How To Handle A Stolen Checkbook Except For Verizon

Yesterday I was musing that Time Warner Cable was passing the cost of customer care off to other businesses, by requiring customers to take half-days or full days off of work just to wait for a cable repairman. Today I think I stumbled upon another hidden economic impact of bad customer service: it’s responsible for generating a lot of the “free” content online. The next time you’re reading an IMDB entry about “Damages” or “Big Love” for example, you can thank Verizon’s collection of angry, confused, and possibly insane employees, and all the idle time they create for a customer who has to deal with them.

Doctor J. Marcus Solves Your Expensive Health Care Problem

My mom would like his advice.

Facebook Encourages Open Marriages—Just Ask Dan's Wife

Facebook Encourages Open Marriages—Just Ask Dan's Wife

One thing I personally hate about Facebook is how the ads co-opt my friends’ pictures and use them to try to sell me stupid stuff. Dan received one of those types of ads yesterday, only the combination of text and photo selection was a little… um, let’s say “open minded.”