fast food

Bill Binns

Why Are Wendy’s Burgers Square? Blame Dave Thomas’ Grandma

Always listen to your grandmother. That’s the takeaway we’re getting from the story of how Wendy’s iconic square burger patties came to be. [More]


Indiana Subway Closes For A Day After Customer Posts Video Of Worker Zapping Bugs

At Subway, you have a choice of topping for your sandwich — cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, peppers, you know the drill. But itty-bitty bug carcasses? No one is lining up for that extra protein. [More]


Tipster Earns Free Chick-Fil-A For A Year After Spotting Stolen 24-Foot Inflatable Cow

Sometimes it pays to be observant: like when you’re crossing the street against the light or you happen to spot a giant inflatable cow far from its home. [More]


Police: Wendy’s Customer Trashed Restaurant Because She Was “Dissatisfied” With Her Order

It can no doubt be frustrating when you’re not happy with your fast food order, but taking out that anger by trashing the restaurant is not a productive way to deal with your emotions — and it’ll also get you in trouble with the police. [More]

Adam Fagen

More Restaurants Push Order-Ahead Apps, But Customers Worry About Cold Food

From Domino’s emoji ordering, to Starbucks’ cut-the-line-order-ahead app, fast food restaurants around the country are jumping at the chance to get customers to place orders on their phones. For the restaurants it all comes down to sales, but persuading customers to use those apps is harder than one might think, despite the obvious draws: no line, no wait, food ready and waiting.  [More]

Burger King’s Cheetos Chicken Fries Come With A Side Of Sheer Desperation

Burger King’s Cheetos Chicken Fries Come With A Side Of Sheer Desperation

Maybe Burger King should consider a name change if it’s going to keep trying to reel in customers with menu items that have been dusted in Cheetos, because this latest effort — Cheetos Chicken Fries — is arriving with what seems to be a cheesy whiff of pure desperation. [More]

Judges In Subway “Foot-Long Fraud” Appeal Ask Why Case Wasn’t Thrown Out Long Ago

Judges In Subway “Foot-Long Fraud” Appeal Ask Why Case Wasn’t Thrown Out Long Ago

More than three years after an Australian teen’s photo of a shorter-than-a-foot Subway sandwich kicked off a series of lawsuits against the fast food chain — and nearly a year after those suits were settled — the matter is still pending before a federal appeals court. Not because the plaintiffs are asking for more or Subway is trying to wriggle out of the deal, but because a third party is saying the case was so frivolous there should have been no settlement at all. [More]

10 News

McDonald’s Customer’s Oatmeal Comes With Free Hot Water Machine Lever

While it’s always unfortunate to find something in your food that you weren’t expecting, at least in one recent case that something was never alive: a McDonald’s customer in California got more than raisins in her breakfast when she found a piece of broken kitchen equipment in her oatmeal. [More]

Now Burger King Is Just Throwing Doritos On A Burger Because It Can

Now Burger King Is Just Throwing Doritos On A Burger Because It Can

These days, it seems if you want to put a twist on your everyday, boring fast food items, you can just throw a bunch of chips on something or mix it with Cheetos and call it a day. On that note, we’d like to introduce you to Burger King’s latest test, a steakhouse burger topped with Doritos. [More]


We’re Spending More At Restaurants, But Not Because We’re Dining Out More

In 2015, the average household spent around $3,008 to go to restaurants and have someone else do the cooking and dishwashing for once. That’s a slight uptick over the previous year, but spending more money at restaurants doesn’t necessarily mean we’re eating out more frequently.


Jack In The Box Is Testing “Brunchfast” Menu In Southern California

As it was foretold, so it has come to pass: after filing a trademark application for the term “brunchfast” earlier this summer, Jack in the Box is now testing a new menu with that name in Southern California. [More]

Josh Bassett

Chipotle Hopes Freebies For Kids & Students Will Convince Customers To Return

In its continuing effort to make everyone forget about all that food-borne illness stuff from last year, Chipotle is trotting out two new promotions in September aimed at the younger set. [More]

Mike Mozart

McDonald’s Customers Have Been Finding Some Pretty Gross Stuff In Their Food

First of all: if you’re getting ready to eat lunch, be warned that we are about to discuss some gross stuff happening to food. Got it? Great. Now that you’ve girded your stomachs, it’s our distinct displeasure to call attention to crawly things that McDonald’s customers have reported finding in their food. [More]

Chipotle Is Now Testing Burritos At Its Asian-Inspired ShopHouse Chain

Chipotle Is Now Testing Burritos At Its Asian-Inspired ShopHouse Chain

Chipotle is pulling quite a fast food ouroboros with its latest efforts: even though it’s already serving up burritos in its Mexican-themed food business, the company is testing out how burritos might do at its Asian-inspired chain as well. [More]

Jeepers Media

Burger King Manager Facing Assault Charge For Allegedly Throwing Sauce At Customer

It can be frustrating for both customers and fast food employees alike when something about an order isn’t right, but that’s no excuse for chucking things at each other. One such tense situation is why a Burger King manager was arrested recently, after allegedly throwing sauce at an unhappy customer. [More]

McDonald’s Officially Recalls 29 Million Happy Meal Fitness Trackers Over Concerns About Rashes, Burns

McDonald’s Officially Recalls 29 Million Happy Meal Fitness Trackers Over Concerns About Rashes, Burns

Nearly a week after pulling them from Happy Meal packages — and subsequently erasing all trace of their existence from stores — McDonald’s has issued a formal recall of all 29 million Step-It fitness trackers over reports of skin irritation and burns. [More]

Jeepers Media

Burger King Customer’s Card Declined After Cashier Tried To Charge $12,300 For Meal

It’s always a nerve-wracking moment when your payment card is declined — you know the feeling: your pulse races as images of negative account balances dance in front of your eyes. But one Burger King customer in the United Kingdom had to suffer through that feeling not because she couldn’t afford to pay for her meal, but because the cashier tried to overcharge her… by more than $12,000. [More]


Critics: Putting Fitness Trackers In McDonald’s Happy Meals Doesn’t Make Them Healthy Meals

Putting on a fitness tracker doesn’t magically change your body; it’s just another accessory if it goes unused. That’s why critics of McDonald’s latest Happy Meal shake-up don’t seem terribly impressed.