It’s all your fault. Yes, you, Mr. or Ms. Consumer, because you’re apparently preoccupied with the election instead of out shopping like a proper American should. How do we know this? Executives of publicly-traded companies keep getting on conference calls with analysts and journalists and saying so. [More]
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Chipotle Hopes Freebies For Kids & Students Will Convince Customers To Return
In its continuing effort to make everyone forget about all that food-borne illness stuff from last year, Chipotle is trotting out two new promotions in September aimed at the younger set. [More]

Chipotle Sales Still Down: Customers Have Come Back, But Don’t Return As Often
Chipotle Mexican Grill founder and co-CEO Steve Ells told investors, analytsts, and reporters in a conference call late yesterday that the company’s sales recovery “continued at a modest pace” over the last few months. Translation: as polls before this earnings release predicted, customers still aren’t coming back. Comparable store sales are still low, but the company is profitable again, and it has great hopes for its summer rewards program. [More]

Sears Hometown Wants To Remind You That They’re Still Here
Hello, person on Sears mailing lists! Did you know that, even though your local Sears store may have closed, there’s still a Sears nearby? It’s true, in the form of a Sears Hometown store. Please come visit. [More]

Sears Reminds Customers: Only 199 Shopping Days Until Christmas
Reader Andy sent us this e-mail he received from Sears as an example of Christmas Creep. He was confused that the retailer has already started its holiday marketing. A look through the Consumerist archives leads to a different perspective. It indicates that maybe Sears has figured out when the major gift-giving holidays actually are. [More]