Coming Soon: Tweet The Pizza Emoji At Domino’s, Get Pizza Delivered
This will make Domino’s the first major restaurant chain to let customers use Twitter on an ongoing basis to both place and complete an order, notes USA Today.
“It’s the epitome of convenience,” Domino’s CEO Patrick Doyle told USA Today. “We’ve got this down to a five-second exchange.”
Domino’s announced the new arrival last night on — where else? — Twitter:
More than 50% of Domino’s sales are already taking place digitally, so going for the emoji gold wasn’t too much of a stretch. That, and it’ll make for an uptick in publicity because everyone loves emojis and everyone loves pizza, even if they don’t love Domino’s, per se, so there’s that.
Here’s how it works: Customers will first need to sign up for an online Domino’s Pizza profile and designate “Easy Order” pizza. Users then add their Twitter handle to their account, and Tweet either #EasyOrder to @Dominos or the pizza emoji. Soon after, you’ll receive a Direct Message confirming the order, and your pizza will be on its way.
Other Tweet-to-order ventures have been on more of a promotional basis, but Domino’s says Tweet-a-pizza is here to stay.
“We want to make it as easy as possible for people to order from us — and this is pretty darned easy,” Doyle says.
Domino’s to roll out tweet-a-pizza [USA Today]
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