Food & Personal Care

Bizarro Snack Time: Bacon-Flavored Doritos And Pepsi-Flavored Cheetos

Bizarro Snack Time: Bacon-Flavored Doritos And Pepsi-Flavored Cheetos

The world has pretty much accepted that the next Doritos Locos Tacos flavor from Taco Bell will be the chili-lime deliciousness of Flamas. That’s only because most of us didn’t know that the Frito-Lay/Yum Brands universe also contains other simultaneously amazing and horrible flavors that are only available in Japan. Like bacon Doritos and Pepsi-flavored Cheetos. [More]


CVS Carding Customers To Make Sure You’re Removing Nail Polish And Not Making Meth

Shoppers are used to whipping out identification for buying booze and even allergy meds these days, but the next time your manicure needs a refresher, you might find yourself getting card at CVS for buying nail polish remover. The pharmacy chain has posted notices to customers in various locations on the East Coast that the company is trying to fight the meth cookers out there who would twist acetone to their illegal doings. [More]

Taco Waffles Are Coming For You (If You Live In Fresno, Omaha, Or Chattanooga)

Taco Waffles Are Coming For You (If You Live In Fresno, Omaha, Or Chattanooga)

After three months of testing the Taco Waffle — which is more of a waffle folded around sausage than an actual “taco” — in a handful of California locations, Taco Bell has decided to expand the test to around 100 eateries in Fresno, CA; Omaha; and Chattanooga, Tenn. [Via AP] [More]

(Morton Fox)

Salads Sold At Red Lobster & Olive Garden Linked To Cyclospora Outbreaks In Two States

Taking some of the guess-work out of figuring out why your stomach may currently be turned inside out, the Food and Drug Administration has confirmed that salads linked to a cyclospora outbreak that’s sickened at least 400 people have been tied to four restaurants in Iowa and Nebraska, including Olive Garden and Red Lobster. [More]


FDA Links Acetaminophen To Nasty, Possibly Fatal Skin Reactions (But Try Not To Freak Out)

Because no weekend can get started without news of a possible scary drug interaction, the FDA has issued a consumer alert warning that, in extremely rare cases, use of the popular over-the-counter painkiller acetaminophen (used in Tylenol and many others) can cause “rare but serious skin reactions,” including three serious skin diseases with symptoms like rash, blisters and widespread damage to the surface of skin. Yuck. [More]

(ktvorwald) None of that.

FDA Sets Rules For Gluten-Free Food Labels

In recent years much has been made of gluten — people with celiac disease can’t eat it and others simply want to keep their diets free of it. But until now, there hasn’t been any official word from on high regarding how to actually define what makes a gluten-free food. The Food and Drug Administration is changing that with a final rule on what characteristics a food must have in order to be really and truly gluten-free. [More]

New Doritos Locos Taco Flavor Coming On August 22

New Doritos Locos Taco Flavor Coming On August 22

Taco Bell made a big fancy announcement today that the next flavor of the Doritos Locos taco is coming in only three weeks. What is that flavor? They won’t say! It’s a mystery! Except for how they already told everyone months ago. [More]

The new "it" couple.

Starbucks Dumps AT&T And Picks Google To Be Its New Wi-Fi Partner

Because business relationships are totally exactly like high school releationships, we’re pretty sure Starbucks had the following conversation when dumping AT&T: “It’s not about you. It’s about me. Well and also, actually, it’s about you because see, Google says it’ll give me faster Wi-Fi speeds, so…  I need that T-shirt of mine back and the Journey CD I loaned you.” [More]

Willow Springs

The No. 1 Reason To Wear Nose Plugs At A Freshwater Water Park: Brain-Eating Amoebas

Maybe you think you’re too cool to wear nose plugs when swimming or rocketing down water slides at the water park, despite the fact that they prevent water from shooting up into your nasal passages. But there’s one very, very good reason to invest in a pair or at least plug your nose if you’re visiting a water park with fresh water: Brain-eating amoebas can get inside and that is not a good thing. [More]


FDA Finally Realizes Maybe It’s Time To Do A Better Job Of Improving The Safety Of Imported Foods

Perhaps your kitchen is only stocked with locally sourced organic food, but around 15% of what Americans eat — including half the fresh fruit, one-fifth of fresh veggies and 80% of fish — comes from around 150 different countries. So, finally getting around to implementing changes mandated by the 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), the Food and Drug Administration has proposed a couple rules aimed at beefing up controls on imported edibles. [More]


Trader Joe’s Customers: We Don’t Want Drugs In Our Meat

While many grocery store chains carry meat from animals that have been fed unnecessary antibiotics purely for the purpose of encouraging growth, the results of a new survey show that a large majority of all supermarket shoppers — but especially Trader Joe’s customers — would rather that their favorite food store stop carrying the drugged-up beef, pork, and poultry. [More]


Chipotle Says It Faked Its Twitter Hack Attack As Part Of Some Kind Of Treasure Hunt

The only reason we can think of for Chipotle to stage that odd series of tweets over the weekend — making it appear that perhaps the account had been hacked by a mild-mannered fella or lady trying to make guacamole — is a bid for attention from the cool kids on Twitter. Because as it turns out, that’s exactly what the company is admitting, that it made it seem its Twitter account was hacked when really it was all about getting people to talk about it. [More]

Starbucks Now Wants To Sell Yogurt Because It Can And People Will Probably Buy It

Starbucks Now Wants To Sell Yogurt Because It Can And People Will Probably Buy It

Perhaps motivated by all those Stamos-starring Oikos commercials, Starbucks has decided to venture into yet another consumer food market, partnering with Dannon parent company Danone to release its own line of white goo that will never be as yummy as ice cream no matter what you put in it, or “yogurt” as some people refer to it. [More]


Taco Bell Getting Rid Of Kids Meals Because Children Don’t Crave Fast Food At 2 A.M.

We’ve got some good news for parents constantly annoyed by their kids pestering them to go to Taco Bell just to get a kids’ meal with a toy in it — and also, some bad news for parents looking for excuses to eat South of the Border: Taco Bell is doing away with kids meals and the toys that go along with them at all U.S. restaurants. That way, it can focus more on those 20- and 30-somethings jonesing for a burrito at 2 a.m. [More]

We're sweating just looking at this guy

Some Poor Guy Has To Stand Outside Pizza Hut HQ “Protecting” This Royal Baby Tie-In Offer

Sign-twirlers and flyer-distributors in sandwich boards are often viewed as occupying the lowest rung of the advertising ladder. But those guys have nothing on the poor sucker who has to stand outside Pizza Hut HQ in 97 degree weather dressed in faux royal guard garb — all to “protect” some royal baby cash-in promo. [More]

Apparently this employee has two loaves of unbaked Subway bread sitting at his house waiting to be tapped with his penis?

Subway Employee Admits To Touching Bread With Penis, Says Photo Was Taken At Home

If the Taco Bell taco-licker wasn’t enough to put you off fast food for a while, now comes a photo posted by a Subway employee of a man touching a loaf of dough with his penis. But not to worry because the employee says this was done in the privacy of his own home. [More]

Fair questions.

Chipotle Just Grateful No One Sent Nude Pics During Odd Twitter Episode

“What is cilantro?” “Where is the avocado store?” “Do I have a tweet?” Those are very normal questions, but perhaps not the sort one might expect showing up on Chipotle’s official Twitter account. After a somewhat bizarre string of mini missives yesterday, the company says everything appears to be fine now.  [More]

(Morton Fox)

Burger King Customer Claims He Found A Whopper Of A Slug In His Sandwich

There’s nothing like an unexpected topping in your fast food order to turn a meal bad, especially when that extra ingredient is squirmy and alive. A customer in the United Kingdom says he was shocked to see a slug crawling around in his chicken sandwich, and called for the location to fess up and clean up. [More]