In July, automotive tech company Mobileye, which had provided parts for Tesla’s Autopilot assisted-driving system, announced that it was ending its relationship with the carmaker. Now Mobileye says it parted ways with Tesla because Autopilot was “pushing the envelope in terms of safety.” [More]
breaking up is hard to do

Should Cable, Internet Companies Be Required To Let You Cancel Service Online?
Just about any pay-TV or Internet service provider (often one in the same) lets new customers sign up online. You can do the whole process — check your address for availability (even if the company’s database is dreadfully wrong), pick a service tier, schedule an installation appointment, and even have your credit history checked — all without talking to a single human being. But if you need to cancel that same service, you likely have to spend quite a long time talking to someone on the phone, explaining that you simply don’t want to give their company any more money. [More]

GE Decides Not To Sell Appliance Business To Electrolux After All
More than a year after announcing that it’d be selling off its appliance division to Swedish company Electrolux for a few billion dollars, General Electric is pulling the plug on the deal. [More]

United Airlines Cuts Cleveland As A Hub After Losing Millions There In Recent Years
Cleveland is likely reeling today with the news that United Airlines is ditching the city as a hub, cutting about 60% its departing flights from the city starting in April. The downsizing is a result of United losing tens of millions of dollars in the city in recent years, executives said in a letter to employees today. [More]

Darden Is Preparing To Dump Red Lobster & Stop Trying To Expand Olive Garden
Before any Red Lobster fans go into some kind of crustacean-related panic, the chain isn’t going away forever. But that being said, it sounds like its parent company Darden Restaurants is trying awfully hard to distance itself from the seafood chain. [More]

Starbucks Dumps AT&T And Picks Google To Be Its New Wi-Fi Partner
Because business relationships are totally exactly like high school releationships, we’re pretty sure Starbucks had the following conversation when dumping AT&T: “It’s not about you. It’s about me. Well and also, actually, it’s about you because see, Google says it’ll give me faster Wi-Fi speeds, so… I need that T-shirt of mine back and the Journey CD I loaned you.” [More]

Amazon Cutting All Ties To Minnesota Business Before Online Sales Tax Law Kicks In
Amazon would rather not collect online sales tax in Minnesota — at least, it doesn’t want to do so because the state orders it to — so instead, by the end of the month it will cut all ties to its Minnesota-based affiliate websites. Those sites get a fee every time they refer shoppers to Minnesota, so they’ll be out of luck as of July 1. [More]

Nike Announces It Will No Longer Make Livestrong Foundation Products
It appears that it wasn’t enough for Nike to dump Lance Armstrong, he of bicycling/doping allegations fame: Seven months after Armstrong stepped down from his position as chairman of the Livestrong Foundation’s board, Nike seems to be distancing itself even further from the fallen cyclist by announcing that it will be ending its deal with Livestrong and will no longer make products like the ubiquitous yellow bracelets. [More]

Why Did You Ditch Your Old Car Repair Shop?
As has been demonstrated in episodes of both Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm, the relationship between car owner and car repair shop can be all-too-similar to the relationships you have with your friends and loved ones. But what does it take to push consumers over the edge to the point where they break up with the people who fix their cars? [More]

When Online Stores Get All Email Smothery
Some places you buy stuff from online are so super duper excited about your new business that they can’t stop emailing you about every little thing. The Brads webcomic does a cute little skewering of the overly communicative online store that even gets clingy when you try to unsubscribe. Relationship tip for companies trying to hook up with customers: desperation is a turnoff. Hit the link to get the full monty. [More]

Why Won't AT&T Cancel My Account?
Usually, when customers try to change an Internet service provider, the ISP will do things like discount the rate or offer some benefit in an attempt to retain your business. But that’s not what’s happening to Consumerist reader Addie; AT&T loves her so much, they’ve continued to bill her for six months for a service she doesn’t even have. [More]