It’s been a rough few weeks for HBO: Not one, but two unreleased episodes of its hit show Game of Thrones have been leaked online ahead of schedule, and hackers are claiming to hold massive amounts of the company’s data for ransom. And on Wednesday night, a group of hackers temporarily took over various HBO Twitter accounts. [More]
hack attacks

Unreleased ‘Game Of Thrones’ Episode Reportedly Leaked Online
It’s not Sunday night yet, but fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones may have already seen the show’s upcoming episode floating around online: A new report says the fourth episode of the season was leaked just days after hackers claimed they’d stolen 1.5 terabytes of data from the network. [More]

Here Are The 14 Trump Hotels Affected By Company’s Latest Hack Attack & What You Can Do About It
Marking the third such breach in the last two years, Trump Hotels notified guests this week that 14 of its properties have been affected by a hack attack, exposing guests’ full names, emails, addresses, and credit card information, including expiration dates. Here’s what you need to know. [More]

Target Will Pay $18.5M To 47 States To Close Investigations Into 2013 Data Breach
Just like those embarrassing Facebook photos of you with your ill-advised “Macklemore” hairdo, Target’s massive 2013 data breach continues to haunt the retailer. Today, the company reached an agreement to pay $18.5 million to close the book on investigations by 47 states (and D.C.) into the month-long attack that exposed information for more than 60 million payment card accounts. [More]

How To Make Sure Your PC Is Safe From Windows Defender Vulnerability
Not sure whether or not your PC has been updated with a patch to fix a recently discovered Windows Defender vulnerability? Here’s what you should do. [More]

Microsoft Issues Fix For Massive Malware Vulnerability That Affects Most PCs
A few days after security researchers discovered a massive flaw in Microsoft’s malware protection engine Windows Defender — which is used in almost every recent version of Windows — the company has issued a fix that it believes will keep attackers out. [More]

Hack Attack On Dallas Emergency System Sets Off Every Warning Siren In The City
The city of Dallas is apologizing to residents for a hack attack that set off 156 of the city’s emergency sirens late on Friday night, jolting folks awake and scaring the bejeezus out of people. [More]

AIG Now Sells Cybersecurity Insurance That Covers Online Bullying, Extortion
Most big companies have some sort of insurance to cover their butts in a world where data breaches are an everyday occurrence, but now AIG is joining the ranks of insurers offering (wealthy) consumers coverage as a buffer against the threat of the internet. [More]

DOJ: Russian Intelligence Officers Hired Hackers To Attack Yahoo’s Network
Back in September, Yahoo confirmed a massive data breach that affected at least 500 million users that dated back to 2014. At the time, the company said it suspected a “state-sponsored” actor did it. The U.S. Justice Department has now brought charges against two Russian intelligence agents, as well as two accused co-conspirators, in connection to the hack attack. [More]

Yahoo Warns Users Their Email Accounts May Have Been Hacked – Yes, Again
On the same day as a report that says Verizon is renegotiating its offer to buy Yahoo at a $250 million discount, the internet company — for the third time in less than six months — is warning users that there’s potential their email accounts may have been hacked. [More]

Several Marvel Twitter Pages Fall Victim To Same Group That Hacked Netflix’s Account
On the same day that Netflix’s U.S. Twitter account was briefly compromised, the group responsible for that attack is taking responsibility for hacking several Marvel social media pages as well. [More]

Netflix’s Twitter Account Apparently Hacked Briefly
UPDATE: The same hacking group that hit Netflix earlier today is also claiming responsibility for compromising several Marvel Twitter accounts. [More]

Ashley Madison’s Penalty For Exposing Details On 36 Million Users? About $.04 Per Person
In 2015, a major data breach at — the dating site targeted at cheaters — exposed information for some 36 million accounts. The company has now entered into a deal that settles federal and state charges that Ashley Madison: misled users about data security and failed to protect user information; charged users to delete profiles (but didn’t); and used fake profiles to lure in customers. While the settlement has a price tag of $8.75 million, Ashley Madison will actually pay significantly less than that. [More]

Malicious Android Apps Have Taken Over More Than 1M Google Accounts
Is there something lurking in your phone that shouldn’t be? Malware designed to look like real Android apps has taken control of more than a million Google accounts since August, according to a new report from security researchers. [More]

Beware: Video-Jackers Can See Everything You Type On Your Smartphone
In a great example of the fact that not every USB charging station is as innocent as it looks, security researchers have identified a new, easy way for attackers to digitally eavesdrop on your smart phone when you think you’re charging it — and watch everything that appears on your screen while you’re doing it. [More]

Hacker Claims To Be Selling Stolen Info For 200 Million Yahoo Accounts
After a rash of account breaches on social media networks like MySpace, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Twitter, the latest site to fall victim to hackers seems to be Yahoo, with a hacker claiming he’s got account information for 200 million users and is selling those credentials on the internet’s black market. [More]