The trinity of divisive Halloween candies is made up of candy corn, marshmallow peanuts, and of course black licorice — perhaps the treat most likely to elicit either only joy or rage when it’s put into one’s candy sack. But there’s one thing that even those who stand firmly on the “love” side of this unbridgeable, anise-flavored chasm should know: When it comes to black licorice, there is such a thing as too much. [More]
Food & Personal Care

Where Does The Cheese Belong In A Cheeseburger?
When you think of the ideal cheeseburger, where is the cheese in the sandwich equation — is it beneath the patty, or on top of it? That is the question Google’s CEO has now promised to address, after someone questioned the company’s cheese placement in its cheeseburger emoji. [More]

The Beer & Booze Company Behind Corona, Svedka & Mondavi Is Now Investing In Marijuana
Instead of shrinking in fear from the rising green tide of legal marijuana, the parent company behind booze brands like Corona, Svedka, and Robert Mondavi is jumping right in with a big investment in the legal marijuana business. [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts Ramping Up Discounts To Bring In Customers
Dunkin’ Donuts, faced with slipping sales, has undergone a bit of a revamp in recent months, such as dropping the “Donuts” portion of its name at a California store to paring down its menu. Now, the company is focusing on deals, as in, giving customers more of them. [More]

Starbucks Baristas Probably Aren’t Sad That The Zombie Frappuccino Is Already Running Out
After giving employees more than six months to recover from this spring’s Unicorn Frappuccino, Starbucks has another limited-time novelty beverage that’s made more for Instagram than for human consumption. Yet the good news (perhaps?) for many of the chain’s employees is that supplies for the drink have already run out in many locations. Darn. [More]

Your Pumpkin Pie Probably Has No Actual Pumpkin In It
We hate to break it to the pumpkin purists out there, but that canned orange stuff you so lovingly scoop into pie shells every Thanksgiving is probably some other kind of squash dressed up as its gourd cousin. [More]

Report: Haribo Gummy Candies Made With Slave Labor, Ingredients From Mistreated Animals
If you’re a fan of Haribo gummy candies, you may want to put that bag down for just a second: New reports about the candy company claim it’s sourcing ingredients that are made by workers living in deplorable conditions, as well as others that come from animals that are mistreated. [More]

Americans Still Buying Lots Of Beer, Just Not Budweiser
If you’ve ever wondered why massive, international beer behemoths like AB InBev, which is already home to Budweiser and dozens of others, keep gobbling up small craft brewers? Because more Americans are sneering at mass-produced lagers and seeking out local and craft brews instead. As a country, we’re still drinking plenty of beer; we’re just not drinking Bud. [More]

Butter Is So Popular Right Now, It’s Causing A Croissant Shortage In France
If you’re traveling to France in the near future and have dreams of picking apart the delicate, flaky layers of authentic croissant, be warned that these beloved pastries may be in short supply when you get there. Why? Apparently because people are eating more butter. [More]

Burger King Definitely Won’t Regret Offering Free Food To Customers Who Dress Up Like Clowns
In a move that absolutely will not backfire and result in viral videos of terrifying clowns menacing the customers of their local fast food franchises, Burger King has come up with the brilliant idea of offering free food to customers who slather on the clown greasepaint this Halloween. [More]

Despite Negative Feedback, Chipotle Says Queso Sales Are Doing Just Fine
When burrito chain Chipotle recently added queso dip to its menu, it seemed like the answer to many Chipotle fans’ prayers. But while the new cheesy dip made headlines, they weren’t necessarily good, with a number of early customers voicing their disappointment. However, Chipotle claims most people actually like the queso, and at the very least it’s not hurting sales. [More]

McDonald’s Gets A Boost From Cheap Drinks, McPick Menu
All of those $1 drinks from McDonald’s continue to add up, boosting the fast food giant’s bottomline for a second quarter in a row. [More]

New York State Bans E-Cigarettes From Public Indoor Spaces
In a move that will push e-cigarettes outside with regular cigarettes, New York has banned vaping in any public indoor space that already prohibits traditional smoking. [More]

Amazon Wine Marketplace Closing Dec. 31
If you buy wine through the Amazon Wine marketplace, you might want to stock up: The e-commerce giant will close its online wine store Dec. 31. [More]

Scientists Genetically Modify Pigs For Leaner, Crispier Meats
Soon, instead of leaving your bacon in the frying pan — on the verge of burning — in order to get that crispy, crunchy meat, you could just buy crispier bacon from the get-go. Scientists say they have developed genetically modified pigs meant to reduce costs for farmers, while providing consumers with leaner meat. [More]

Amazon App Will Soon Let You Place Takeout Orders At Some Restaurants
In its never-ending quest to stick its fingers into as many pies as possible, Amazon will soon allow customers in some areas to place orders for takeout food with local restaurants from inside the Amazon app. [More]

Amid Internal Struggle, Subway Can’t Figure Out How To Get Customers To Come Back
There may still be a Subway sandwich shop on every other corner in every town in America, but they aren’t as busy as they used to be. Is it a case of over-franchising? Is the company still reeling from the 2015 death of founder Fred DeLuca and the ignominious downfall of longtime Subway frontman Jared Fogle? [More]

Hawaiian Stores Reporting An Uptick In Spam Thefts
While we know that common items like detergent, pregnancy tests, weight loss pills, and diapers, and even baby formula can be popular with shoplifters, stores in Hawaii are facing a new trend in thievery: Cans of Spam are flying off shelves as folks with sticky fingers try to make a quick buck. [More]