It’s the stunt restaurant that can’t stop stuntin’: Kellogg’s all-day cereal cafe in New York City is offering a menu filled with Pop-Tart stunt foods, including “pizza,” “tacos,” and “fries” — all made with the breakfast pastry. [More]

Here We Go Again: Even More Pumpkin Spice Breakfast Foods
It’s August, and we all know what that means: it’s time for the hot new pumpkin spice products for this fall to hit the aisles and confuse everyone. This year’s hot newcomers are pumpkin spice offerings from cereal companies, with the apparent goal of pumpkin spicing up America’s breakfast tables. [More]

Lawsuit Accuses Cheez-It Of Falsely Advertising “Whole Grain” Crackers
What does it mean for a food to be labeled “whole grain”? Even if there is no official standard for that term, do you expect that a whole grain version of a product would be healthier than the original? [More]

There’s A New Line Of Beverage-Flavored Pop-Tarts For Some Reason
Like Oreos, M&Ms, and numerous snack foods before them, Pop-Tarts have introduced seasonal novelty flavors meant to draw sales and free publicity. Now flavors have gone from vaguely fruit-like to bizarre with the announcement of a line of toaster pastries flavored like soft drinks. Sounds refreshing. [More]

Kellogg: Investigators Looking Into Video Of Factory Worker Urinating On Assembly Line
Don’t like your cereal excessively soggy? Kellogg doesn’t either: the company says there’s a criminal investigation underway after a video surfaced that appears to show a factory worker urinating on a Rice Krispies assembly line. [More]

We’re Not Eating Cereal, And It’s Hurting Kellogg The Most
It’s not surprising that sales of breakfast cereal are falling: Americans, as a whole, are starting to eat breakfast on the move, cut carbs, and many people are fearful of genetically modified corn and wheat. If we do sit down and eat breakfast, we’ll scramble some eggs or microwave some oatmeal. [More]

Woman Upset That Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut Cereal Came With The Extra Crunch Of A Dead Mouse
First things first: If you don’t want to see a deceased rodent lying atop a bed of cereal, don’t click on any of the links in the below post. Because when a woman poured her grandson some Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes and saw a dead mouse fall out, she made sure to take a photo as proof. [More]

Kellogg’s Wants You To Eat Some Late-Night Cereal
Marketers don’t really need to encourage Americans to eat cereal for dinner or for a late-night snack. We’re already doing that. Well, I am. Yet Kellogg’s has come out with special limited-edition packaging for some of their sugariest cereals to encourage us to snack on them in the evening hours, and at least one of our readers finds it inappropriate. [More]

Shocking News: All Froot Loop Colors Are Really The Same Flavor
Colored froot-flavored cereals like Froot Loops come in a rainbow of colors, and those colors align with different flavors of “froot,” don’t they? Well…no. They do not. All of the different colors in the box are only that: colors. [More]

Breakfast Shrink Ray: Chobani Yogurt, Special K Shave Off Weight
When food companies need to work on their profit margin but don’t want to raise prices, they deploy the Grocery Shrink Ray. The Shrink Ray lets them charge the same amount for fractionally less food. Today, we have most of a Shrink Rayed breakfast: it’s been deployed on Kellogg’s Special K Protein cereal and Chobani yogurt cups. [More]

Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut Loses One Ounce, Box Gets Taller
I wish I could lose 7% of my body mass and get taller at the same time, but I’m out of luck…because I’m not a box of cereal. Reader Panda discovered that this amazing change has come to Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut cereal. It was hit by the Grocery Shrink Ray, but at the same time sustained a hit from the Box Growth Ray. Which might be a thing. [More]

Fuzzy Math: Why You Should Always Check Unit Prices
Most of the time, when a vendor understands retail logic and basic math, an item costs less per unit when you buy more of it. Sometimes, due to errors or sale prices, things cost more per unit when you buy more. We call this phenomenon “Fuzzy Math,” and laugh at it. Reader K. found this great example of such fuzziness at a Harris Teeter store, where customers who buy the larger box are seriously missing out. [More]

Kellogg Finally Settles “Frosted Mini-Wheats Don’t Make You Smarter” Class Action Lawsuit
Way back in 2009, Kellogg Company reached an agreement with the Federal Trade Commission to stop advertising its Frosted Mini-Wheats cereal as some kind of magical brain booster that would make kids smarter. But it’s taken four years for that issue to finally be put to bed after finally reaching a $4 million settlement in a class action lawsuit related to the same advertising. [More]

Pringles Multi-Grain Changes Packaging, Size, Grains Under New Owners
Joe is a fan of Multi-Grain Pringles, and he noticed something interesting when he bought a new can. Everything had changed. The snack had slightly different ingredients, different packaging, and of course…had been ever so slightly zapped by the Grocery Shrink Ray. [More]

Kellogg’s Special K Red Berries Recalled Because Glass Is Not Part Of A Balanced Breakfast
If you noticed a little unexpected crunch in your Kellogg’s Special K Red Berries cereal, you might have been unlucky enough to buy one of the boxes that have been recalled over the possible presence of glass fragments. [More]

Someone Needs To Talk To Kellogg’s About The Meaning Of ‘Value’
“Walmart will charge me 50 cents more for the luxury of getting 10 bars instead of just 5!” Mike write when he submitted this photo using the Consumerist Tipster App. He’s being unfair: who doesn’t want to pay extra for the privilege of dragging a bigger box home from the Super Walmart? [More]