Kellogg’s Wants You To Eat Some Late-Night Cereal

“I was kind of outraged when I saw the packaging encouraging kids to eat froot loops for dinner,” he said. The question is, are these boxes really marketed to kids? Are Froot Loops really what they want you to eat for dinner?
If you read the back of this Krave box, it looks like the idea is to encourage cereal as a late-night snack: maybe a replacement for milk and cookies. Marvo of food blog The Impulsive Buy notes that Kellogg’s “made limited edition nighttime packaging to encourage something I already do, which is eat sugary cereals before bedtime because I ran out of chips and ice cream.” Sugary cereal will never be the healthiest snack you can snack on, but it’s not a whole lot worse than milk and cookies. Heck, if you get out a box of Cookie Crisp, it is milk and cookies.
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