Woman Upset That Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut Cereal Came With The Extra Crunch Of A Dead Mouse

No mouse here, don’t worry. (thills1988)
First things first: If you don’t want to see a deceased rodent lying atop a bed of cereal, don’t click on any of the links in the below post. Because when a woman poured her grandson some Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes and saw a dead mouse fall out, she made sure to take a photo as proof.
While Kellogg’s and the British Tesco store where she purchased the box both say they’re looking into things, it sure as heck looks like a wee dead mouse, reports The Daily Mirror (Again, don’t click if you don’t want to see such a thing).
The woman says she was pouring her grandson a bowl of the cereal, after keeping it stored with the box and inner bag still sealed in her cupboard since she brought it home from the store.
That’s when she noticed something odd among the flakes, before the two-year-old had a chance to take a bite.
“In the morning I poured some into a bowl for him and noticed something black covered in the cornflakes,” she said, adding that she bought the cereal specifically for when he stays over. “I knew something wasn’t right, so I got a spoon and gingerly moved the flakes out of the way. Then I saw the mouse. It was horrible and I felt absolutely sick.”
“Goodness knows how long the mouse was in the box or if it was dead or alive when it went in,” she adds, though there was apparently no damage to the box.
She snapped a pic and has saved both the box and the mouse in the freezer for any investigators who might want to take a peek, and went back to Tesco that day to file a formal complaint. The chain says it’s looking into her claim.
“We set ourselves the highest standards for the quality and safety of the food we sell and were concerned to hear of this,” a company spokesperson said, adding Tesco is “concerned” over the incident. “We would like to thank [the customer] for alerting us and we will work with the supplier to support their investigation.”
Kellogg’s says it’s looking into the mouse matter as well.
“We are carrying out a full investigation to identify if and how this occurred as it hasn’t happened before,” the company said in a statement. “We take food safety extremely seriously and carry out regular quality checks in our factories.”
As for grandma, she says she spoke with Kellogg’s and was offered a replacement box of cereal. For some reason, she’s declined that offer.
Crunchy Nut Rodent: Woman finds DEAD MOUSE in box of cornflakes while serving grandson’s breakfast [Daily Mirror]
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