Subscription boxes full of stuff, ranging from pet treats to makeup samples, are a hot category right now. That’s why it makes sense that General Mills and Kellogg, companies best known for their cold cereals, are interested in the market for curated selections of “natural” packaged snacks shipped to customers’ doorsteps. While General Mills is getting out of the snack-box biz, though, Kellogg is just entering the market. [More]
cereal killers

We’re Not Eating Cereal, And It’s Hurting Kellogg The Most
It’s not surprising that sales of breakfast cereal are falling: Americans, as a whole, are starting to eat breakfast on the move, cut carbs, and many people are fearful of genetically modified corn and wheat. If we do sit down and eat breakfast, we’ll scramble some eggs or microwave some oatmeal. [More]

Americans Are Gradually Eating Less Cereal For Some Reason
It was once as American as, well, blue jeans to start your day with a bowl of cereal and milk. Breakfast grains were once major sponsors behind kid-oriented television programming, or licensed beloved fictional characters to put on cereal boxes. Now sales at major cereal companies are down, and a variety of reasons are contributing to the decline. [More]

Poking Holes In Malt-O-Meal's Environmentalist Grandstanding
Malt-O-Meal’s Bag the Box site claims the discount breakfast cereal line is doing its part to inflict minimal damage on the environment because its product doesn’t use boxes like its competitors do. But because Malt-O-Meal didn’t recently shift from boxes to bags and is vague about resources used to create its packaging, GreenBiz argues it’s hard to discern whether or not the company is easier on the environment than boxed cereal manufacturers. [More]

Did PepsiCo Leave Cap'n Crunch Adrift At Sea?
A seafaring high commander of morning goodness for decades, Cap’n Crunch may now be walking the plank, because PepsiCo apparently hasn’t so much as put out a press release about the cereal since 2007. [More]