
This Verizon Store Provides Weird Repair Services

This Verizon Store Provides Weird Repair Services

Some Motorola Droid phones are having problems with the battery cover coming off too easily. That’s what was happening to Chris’ Droid, so he and his girlfriend brought it into a Verizon store in Pleasant Hill, CA. His girlfriend brought along her defective enV Touch for service as well.
When they left, Chris had a sticker stuck to the back of his Droid, and his girlfriend was told to stop wearing makeup because makeup ruins the enV Touch.

SNL Mocks iPhone Reception

SNL Mocks iPhone Reception

Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update this Saturday took a headline about the potential Google phone and turned it into a potshot against the iPhone. And it made the children laugh. [More]

GM Reveals Secret Project It Developed With Bailout Money

GM Reveals Secret Project It Developed With Bailout Money

Finally, the truth is revealed: this is clearly where the bailout money went. Below, watch a Chevy Volt promotion song-and-dance-spectacular performed earlier this month at the LA Auto Show. [More]

Weirdest College Scholarships Ever

Weirdest College Scholarships Ever

ZenCollegeLife hit the books and dug up some wild examples of affirmative action, including scholarships for tall people, the left-handed and psychics. [More]

Make Your Own Zhu Zhu The Fad Robot Hamster Toy

Make Your Own Zhu Zhu The Fad Robot Hamster Toy

If you have kids, you’re probably biting your nails down to the quick worrying how you’re going to find–much less pay for–this year’s super hot fad toy, Zhu Zhu the Robot Hamster. But don’t be so stupid! The thing about fad toys like Zhu Zhu is that they’re about 30% fun, 30% marketing, and 40% media hype. You can bypass all that nonsense and make your own in less than 20 minutes, and for a fraction of the cost. [More]

Care4Less Makes Giving Fake Donations Easy

Care4Less Makes Giving Fake Donations Easy

There’s no better way to save on presents this holiday season than to pretend to give money in people’s names to fake charities. simplifies this process by putting together eight, worthy, fictitious causes for you to choose from, like the Make-A-Sandwich Foundation, and Fathers4Mosquitos. (Thanks to jpropaganda!)

Fake Steve Jobs Rants About The Decline Of American Quality

Fake Steve Jobs Rants About The Decline Of American Quality

While reading articles about the iPhone and AT&T this morning, I came across Fake Steve Jobs, which I haven’t read in a long time. On Saturday Fake Steve Jobs had a phone call with an even more fake Randall Stephenson of AT&T, and the fake conversation reaches a brilliant, hilarious Network-level rant against big business about halfway through. [More]

Advertiser Stuck With Ironic Tiger Woods Ads Fires Him

Advertiser Stuck With Ironic Tiger Woods Ads Fires Him

Remember this ad? It was in the Wall Street Journal the day after Tiger Woods crashed his car and unleashed a torrent of trashy mistresses on an unsuspecting nation? Yeah, it was for Accenture. Now that company has decided that Tiger Woods is bad for its reputation. [More]

Old Navy Raising Prices By 50 Cents In 'Sale'

Lisa spotted these not-so-enticing deals somewhere on Old Navy’s website. [More]

This Chase Customer Service Rep Is An Impenetrable Fortress

This Chase Customer Service Rep Is An Impenetrable Fortress

Stephanie just encountered a Chase CSR who I’m pretty sure will never fall victim to social engineering, and who would likely be unbreakable in a courtroom cross-examination, too. Of course, in Stephanie’s situation this just means that the CSR refuses to help her in any way at all, which isn’t the kind of thing you hope to find when you call customer service. [More]

Let This Comic Strip Show You How To Save Money At The Movies

Let This Comic Strip Show You How To Save Money At The Movies

Scott Meyer frequently makes brilliant observations in his “Basic Instructions” comic, and by brilliant I mean nutjob. In the most recent one, “How to Save Money,” the comic version of Meyer realizes how expensive movie concessions are. Considering how many people commented on this the last time I posted about it, I thought you might find his ideas useful. Now I’m off to buy a stovepipe hat! [More]

AT&T Sends Monster After Verizon Subscribers In Threatening New Ad

AT&T Sends Monster After Verizon Subscribers In Threatening New Ad

Happy Halloween from AT&T! The maligned cellular carrier’s latest ad doesn’t seem to be as concerned with getting Verizon to stop picking on it. Instead, a headless Luke Wilson staggers around the screen, roaring silently and searching for someone to kill. Stick to AT&T or who knows what might happen to you. [More]

Behold, 'HD Lighting'

Behold, 'HD Lighting'

Will spotted this amazing new invention, which lets you light stuff in HD. He writes: [More]

Never Embarrass Yourself Trying To Unscrew A Wine Bottle Again

Never Embarrass Yourself Trying To Unscrew A Wine Bottle Again

The horrible thing about screw-cap bottles of wine, says the website, is that they suck all the romance out of bottle opening. But lucky you! “The Butterflyâ„¢ solves that by flawlessly and expediently opening any screw cap bottle while retaining the elegance of traditional wine service.” [More]

What Happens When You Put A Tag Cloud On Your Customer Support Forum…

What Happens When You Put A Tag Cloud On Your Customer Support Forum…

…is that the conversational threads become very apparent. Full version inside of the Newegg forums screengrab. [More]

Tiger Ad Bears Hidden Truths

Tiger Ad Bears Hidden Truths

Spotted by TMZ, this ad, which trumpets Wood’s off-roading ability, ran in Monday’s Wall Street Journal. [More]

This Freshly Shaved Deli Meat Is Making Me Uncomfortable

This Freshly Shaved Deli Meat Is Making Me Uncomfortable

Maybe Oscar Mayer was thinking that folding the turkey that way would make shoppers think about turkey breasts. Maybe I have spent too much time in the more colorful parts of the Internet. Either way, I am not sure I could see this in the supermarket without doing a double take. And probably giggling. [More]

Let This Flowchart Tell You Which Chain Restaurant To Visit Next

Let This Flowchart Tell You Which Chain Restaurant To Visit Next

Sometimes it’s hard to decide on a chain restaurant when you’re going out to eat. Luckily, the blog Eating The Road has produced a handy flowchart. What I like best about it is it asks the important questions, things like “Are you Drunk? Do you want to be? Are you high?” And most important, “Do you mind flair?” [More]