
9 Dancing Ladies Cost More Than 7 Swans A Swimming This Year

9 Dancing Ladies Cost More Than 7 Swans A Swimming This Year

It costs a little more this year to win the affections of the 9 Ladies Dancing of “The 12 Days Of Christmas Fame,” according to the 26th annual PNC Christmas Price Index. The rise in gold prices has pushed up the price of the rings required to win the women’s affection of the nine dancing ladies to $5,473.07, while falling the falling price of fowl has pushed down the swan cost to $5,250.00. Full chart inside. [More]

Robots Play Trick On McDonald's Advertisement

Robots Play Trick On McDonald's Advertisement

This is what happens when you let robots select up-and-coming stories for your banner ad on Digg. Although now that I think about it, I’m not sure I’d ever let a Digg story be assigned to my brand, automatically or otherwise, without looking at it first. (Thanks to Jeff!) [More]

Does This Potty Seat Need An Extended Warranty?

Does This Potty Seat Need An Extended Warranty?

Kelly just bought a plastic Baby Bjorn potty seat at Babies R Us. When the cashier rang it up, the system told her to ask Kelly if she’d like to pay another 30% of the purchase price for a service plan.

Fight Club Blu-ray Messes With Viewers

Fight Club Blu-ray Messes With Viewers

If you bought or rented the new Fight Club blu-ray and brought it back to the store convinced you rented a faulty disc, you’ve been Punk’d by director David Fincher. When the disc boots up it displays the menu for Never Been Kissed for a few seconds before showing its true Fight Club colors.

Sonic Manager Sends Fake Gunman To Rob His Joint

Sonic Manager Sends Fake Gunman To Rob His Joint

A Missouri Sonic manager who could only be described as “hardcore” took employee training to Michael Scott levels by hiring a pretend robber to hold up his store and see how his employees would react, Slashfood reports:

The Manliest Pants Of All Time

The Manliest Pants Of All Time

Yes, they’re Barracuda pants—the only trousers that remind you, and anyone within eyesight, that you have a penis.

Staples Wants To Know If They're Freaking You Out With Their All-Knowing Emails

Staples Wants To Know If They're Freaking You Out With Their All-Knowing Emails

Apparently Staples is worried that their emails might be too accurate when it comes to marketing office supplies to people—accurate enough to make potential customers paranoid.

Keep Track Of Which Diploma Mills Will Work Out Best For Your Pet

Keep Track Of Which Diploma Mills Will Work Out Best For Your Pet

In this job market, anything you can do to give your cat or dog an edge is worth pursuing. That’s why you shouldn’t enroll your pet in just any diploma mill—you want one that’s a proven scam. Boingboing points out that there’s a Wikipedia page to keep track of animals with fraudulent diplomas to make it easier to comparison shop for that next fake certificate.

Pizza Hut Coupons Let You Choose To Be An Idiot If You Want

Pizza Hut Coupons Let You Choose To Be An Idiot If You Want

While digging around on the Pizza Hut website’s deals section, Jacob found this murderers’ row of pizza coupons, which lets you get a large one-topping pizza for $9.99, $10.99 or $11.99 — your choice! He writes:

Company Sued For Selling Beatles MP3s Says They're Original Works, So It's Okay

Company Sued For Selling Beatles MP3s Says They're Original Works, So It's Okay

Since the Beatles are notorious for refusing to release their music online, the mere fact that was selling them was kind of strange, which probably explains why EMI just sued them for copyright infringement. But BlueBeat has come up with a perfectly reasonable explanation. The songs aren’t really Beatles songs, you see, but “psycho-acoustic simulations” and therefore original works.

DirecTV's Dead Guy Advertising Motif Taken To The Extreme

DirecTV's Dead Guy Advertising Motif Taken To The Extreme

Taking the creepiness of the DirecTV Chris Farley ad and running with it, comedy site Landine TV has parodied the campaign with three ads starring Heath Ledger, JFK and Jesus.

Hyundai Replaces Car Destroyed In BMW Parking Lot Attack

Hyundai Replaces Car Destroyed In BMW Parking Lot Attack

About a week ago, a woman tried to park her BMW X5 in a gym parking lot in Thornhill, Ontario. For some mysterious reason, she instead drove over two other cars and sat on top of them for a few seconds, like a big game cat savoring her kill. Then she drove off.

PayPal Asks Customer To Travel Back In Time To Make $0 Payment

PayPal Asks Customer To Travel Back In Time To Make $0 Payment

Whenever a financial institution says you’ve owed them money for nearly 40 years, it’s cause for concern. But luckily Justin, who sent us this screenshot of his PayPal line of credit account overview, has a reasonable $0 payment to make. Thinks Reader's Balls Are Splendid Thinks Reader's Balls Are Splendid

Amazon’s new PayPhrase service has its advantages and disadvantages, but one curious feature is that the system generates sample phrases for you. Usually these are pretty innocuous and uplifting—”Laura’s Amazing Effort” and the like. But not for Gil. The PayPhrase system took the opportunity to comment on his private parts, and generated the phrase “Gil’s Splendid Balls” for him.

We Have No Comment About This Exercise Device, Either

We Have No Comment About This Exercise Device, Either

Not content with their stranglehold on the creepily suggestive fitness equipment market for women, the people behind the Shake Weight are now marketing the same product…for men.

Charmin Rep Shows You How To Wipe (Video)

Charmin Rep Shows You How To Wipe (Video)

In this video spotted by the New York Times, a helpful Charmin rep demonstrates a heretofore unknown ability of Charmin Freshmates to wipe toothpaste off the human hand.

HSN Breaks TV, Showing Need To Firmly Attach Your Wii Accessories

HSN Breaks TV, Showing Need To Firmly Attach Your Wii Accessories

This HSN presenter remembered to use his wrist strap when playing with a Wiimote, so good for him! Unfortunately, it turns out you also have to make sure any attachments are firmly attached.

Monster Energy Threatens Actual Movie Monster (We're Not Kidding)

Monster Energy Threatens Actual Movie Monster (We're Not Kidding)

We’re back to thinking Hansen Beverage Company is being taken for a ride by its legal counsel, Continental Enterprises, with this latest chapter in their trademark bullying saga. An actor named Trygve Lode has been contacted by Continental Enterprises on behalf of Hansen and told to remove all advertising and sales of Monster Energy from his site. The only reference to Monster Energy is the photo above.