
Mass Homeopathic Overdose Planned For Tomorrow!

Mass Homeopathic Overdose Planned For Tomorrow!

In a little less than 12 hours, over 300 skeptics throughout the U.K. will protest the homeopathic medicine industry there by deliberately overdosing on full bottles of homeopathic pills, which technically don’t contain any molecules of the active ingredient. The group’s goal is to highlight the fact that homeopathic cures are about as scientifically valid as your horoscope. I’m all for stunts, but don’t they know that they’ll likely suffer from the memory of an OD? That’s how this stuff works, you know. [More]

What If Corporations Really Were People, And Those People Were Jerks?

What If Corporations Really Were People, And Those People Were Jerks?

Big Fat Whale has an awesome comic making fun of the idea of “corporate personhood,” which is this weird thing we have that lets corporations be treated as “persons” for legal purposes, and afforded some of the rights and responsibilites of natural persons, like they can be taxed, have free speech, and even arrested. Well, what if the corporations really were people in the flesh? They wouldn’t be very nice. See the rest of the comic, including James Comcast (I’ll let you check out this great website for sixty bucks!) and Tiffany Conagra. [Big Fat Whale] [More]

This Makes Sense If These Religious Candles Are Edible

This Makes Sense If These Religious Candles Are Edible

Chris spotted this sign at a New Jersey supermarket. I’m a fan of the convenient placement of the religious candles, which are one of my favorite ingredients in chili along with rice, beans, potatoes and canned vegetables. [More]

Either This Is The Wrong Sign Or The Appetizers Have Melted

Either This Is The Wrong Sign Or The Appetizers Have Melted

Steffany snapped this example of target aisle labeling fail. She writes: [More]

Which Alcopop Is Right For You?

Which Alcopop Is Right For You?

Why, none, of course! That’s the conclusion reached by two foolhardy taste testers who rated the flavors of several brands of this weird hybrid drink category. It turns out there’s no such thing as a “good” alcopop, at least not among the brands tested here. My favorite line: Twistee Sambuca and Banana “smells like Sesame Street the morning after the cast discover binge drinking and projectile vomit.” [More]

Is This Captcha Code Trying To Tell Us Something?

Is This Captcha Code Trying To Tell Us Something?

A Consumerist reader writes, “So it’s been a while. I’m starting to get desperate. Why don’t I check out a new dating site I just heard about? My first concern is always, ‘Is it a scam site or is it real? What happens to my credit card info if it is a scam?’ So in the process of signing up, I received this warning.” Look on the bright side, OP, at least it didn’t make you type “Herpes.” [More]

Don't Get Cat Vomit On Your Laptop

Don't Get Cat Vomit On Your Laptop

Tayler’s cat and Tayler’s MacBook Pro just had an unfortunate run-in. Does anyone have any advice on cheap ways to repair this laptop, or at least how to get the content off of it without paying hundreds of dollars? [More]

Pumpkinhead New Raisin Bran Crunch Spokesthing?

Pumpkinhead New Raisin Bran Crunch Spokesthing?

When I first watched Pumpkinhead–an Alien-style monster who’s rampaged through a few B-level horror movies–go on and on about finding inner peace and online dating, I thought of The Office. Now that I think about it, it’s probably closer in style to Aardman’s Creature Comfort animations. Either way, if you like horror movies, breakfast cereal, British accents, and very silly advertising, you’ll appreciate this clip. [More]

Preserve Your Modesty With The Pee Without Noise Stool

Preserve Your Modesty With The Pee Without Noise Stool

Guys, as you probably already know, your bathroom is currently a horrible megaphone of urination when you’re in there. Everyone can hear you! Gah! Luckily the Pee Without Noise stool will fix that right away. If you’re still skeptical, check out this copy from the product page: [More]

Hollywood Video Giving Away Free Kids

Hollywood Video Giving Away Free Kids

I’m going to grab a bunch and resell adopt them out for extra money in 2010. Thanks to Kevin, who snapped the pic and who adds, “I know Hollywood Video isn’t probably doing that hot with the advent of Netflix, but I’m not sure if this is the way to go.” [More]

Perfume Packaging Defeats Pen, Can Opener And Knives

Perfume Packaging Defeats Pen, Can Opener And Knives

Film critic Jen Johans can tear movies apart, but even her sharpest barbs were no match for impenetrable DKNY perfume packaging. [More]

I Wonder Why This Ornament Didn't Sell

I Wonder Why This Ornament Didn't Sell

Josh sent us this photo of an ornament he found on the post-Christmas discount racks a few days ago. He notes, “Just goes to show you that typographic layout matters.”

Broadview Security Systems Protect You From Hordes Of Scary Guys In Black Sweatshirts

Broadview Security Systems Protect You From Hordes Of Scary Guys In Black Sweatshirts

The ads for Broadview Security address an important issue for modern women: someone is always lurking outside waiting to rape you. Did I say address? I meant to say something more like stoke flames of fear. Comedian Sarah Haskins takes on the security alarm systems rape fables in a recent epsiode of Target: Women. [More]

Comcast Introduces Literal Nicknames For Customer Service

Comcast Introduces Literal Nicknames For Customer Service

Check out the nickname for the Comcast CSR who helped Lauren set up her new account. Lauren adds, “‘Nem’ did a good job setting me up, though. I can’t wait to see what the service tech’s name is! Bane, perhaps?” [More]

Learn What Candy To Eat With This Flowchart

Learn What Candy To Eat With This Flowchart

The blog Eating The Road continues to churn out amazingly helpful flowcharts to guide you with pretty much everything you can put in your belly. The latest is the Candy Edition, and you probably won’t be surprised to see where candy corn and circus peanuts end up.

Others we’ve missed since we last checked in: the Beer Edition and the Freezer Aisle Edition.

If Wall Street Ran The Airlines

If Wall Street Ran The Airlines

The Baseline Scenario has written a pitch-perfect article that pretends financial industry types are now speaking for the airline industry. It’s filled with appeals to the free market, and lots of threats about how the American Way of Life will collapse if we can’t let passengers sit for more than three hours on tarmacs. [More]

Terrible Ideas For Secret Santa Gifts

Terrible Ideas For Secret Santa Gifts

I know, you’re on a tight budget this year, and office Secret Santa exchanges are tedious and awkward. But please don’t fill a hot dog bun with cat food and then top it off with ketchup, then wrap that up in gift wrap and call it your gift. Because someone already did that. Someone at a Sunday School. has a list of 13 of the worst Secret Santa gift ideas if you want to know what else has already been attempted. [More]

HP Face Tracking Camera Doesn't Track Black Faces?

HP Face Tracking Camera Doesn't Track Black Faces?

If you want to take advantage of this HP web cam’s face tracking feature and you’ve got dark skin, you’d better, I dunno, sprinkle glitter on your cheeks first or something. The software doesn’t seem to be able to recognize you otherwise. [More]