If you’ve ever felt so hungry and angry at the same time — otherwise known as “hangry” — that you will do just about anything to get your hands on something to eat, perhaps you can commiserate with a bear in Colorado that ripped the bumper off a doughnut delivery vehicle in his desperate hunt for a treat. [More]

Bargain-Hunting Beavers: 17 Times Animals Went Shopping In Human Stores
Does it make you giggle to think about a beaver going Christmas shopping at a dollar store? If so, you’ll be even more tickled to know this isn’t the first time we’ve heard about an animal waltzing into a human business like it belonged there. Heck, this isn’t even the first time we’ve heard about a beaver doing that. [More]

Bear Settles In For A Nap On Home’s Lawn After Gorging On 20 Pounds Of Dog Food He Stole From A Garage
We’ve all had that feeling before: You’ve just chowed down on an epic meal, and your belly is painfully full. There’s nothing better when your stomach is groaning than passing out for a good, long nap, right? One homeowner in Florida was nonetheless shocked to see a black bear doing just that on her lawn, after the animal stole a 20-pound bag of dog food from the garage and tucked in for a big meal. [More]

Black Bear Has Absolutely No Problem Knocking Santa Claus Out
Hide your snowmen, hide your reindeer and get Santa Claus somewhere safe: Mother Nature might not agree with your taste in lawn ornaments and as such, has zero problems whatsoever with totally mucking up your holiday display. [More]

Park Rangers: Taking A “Bear Selfie” Is Dangerous And You Should Stop It Right Now
No matter how many times you’ve watched The Jungle Book and thought about how great it would be to be friends with Baloo, it’s a movie and forcing a bear to be your friend is not a good idea. Neither is chasing one down in the wild so you can score the perfect selfie. Because, yes, that is now a thing; a very, very dangerous phenomena that rangers have had to warn people to stop doing. [More]

Lone Bear Cub Seals His Fate To Forever Live Among Humans After Strolling Through Rite Aid
Listen, denizens of the animal kingdom: I know it looks like we humans have got it made, what with large roofed structures filled with food and other sundries a wild creature might want to get into. But beware, little bears, because once you stroll through a Rite Aid, you can never go back to the wild. [More]

Lottery Winner Wears A Bright Yellow Bear Costume To Collect $85M Reward, As One Does
Look around at all the lottery winners you’ve seen on TV in the United States — a smiling person, human in features, not covered in bright fur. We are tamer than tame when compared with the tradition of dressing up in crazy costumes to claim lottery winnings in China, like a guy who just wore a huge, bright yellow bear costume to pick up his check for $85 million. [More]

Canada Post Can’t Deliver Your Package Due To Bears
There are all kinds of reasons why the post office may not be able to deliver your package today: maybe it requires a signature and you’re not home. Maybe the post office can’t get access to your apartment building, or can’t get in the gate. Or your mail carrier ran away because your home is apparently guarded by a bear. [More]

Fundraising Group Sells $1,500 Jeans Featuring Denim Ripped By Lions, Tigers & Bears (Oh My)
Can’t take a selfie with a big cat, due to bans on the practice or the unavailability of an obliging lion? Wildlife fans with deep pockets were able to get perhaps the next best thing to a photo, after one animal fundraising group auctioned off jeans featuring denim ripped apart by wild animals. [More]

Bear Crashes Through Skylight, Eats Cupcakes For Boy’s Birthday Party
Uninvited guests who crash parties and eat all the treats are the absolute worst, am I right? Darn treat scarfers! But a black bear took it to a literal extreme in Alaska, falling through a home’s skylight only to land in the middle of preparations for a kid’s birthday party. And he was rude enough to gobble up as many cupcakes as he could get his paws on, to boot. [More]

Restaurant Drives Away Dumpster-Diving Bear With Spike Strips
Vandals kept moving the dumpsters behind a Colorado Springs restaurant and rifling through the trash, so the owners set up surveillance cameras to catch the culprits. The vandals turned out to be a bear pushing the trash containers around and pawing through them. The restaurant decided to drive the bear away using boards spiked with nails. [More]

Bear Is In The Mood For German Food, Walks Off With Restaurant’s Dumpster
The German restaurant Edelweiss in Colorado Springs, Colorado isn’t a takeout place, but don’t tell that to the bear who decided that their dumpster made a suitable takeout container. A surveillance camera caught the critter pushing the trash receptacle out of frame. Being a bear, this was about as easy for her as it would be for a human to push around a fully loaded shopping cart. [More]

If A Bear Is Going To Break Into A Candy Shop, He Can At Least Be A Very Careful Marauder
Unlike other animals with bad reputations when it comes to visiting stores with say, delicate products, we’re seeing quite an uptick in generally well-mannered bears dropping by retail establishments without doing any damage. A bear in Colorado had a bit of a sweet tooth recently and broke into a candy store to satisfy it while managing to be very tidy about his looting. [More]

New Hampshire Fish And Game Warns That Bears Dig Your Bird Feeders
Looking to frighten viewers into putting away their bird feeders, the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department warns you that bears are looking to romp into your yard and tear into them. [More]
Yellowstone Visitors Ask The Park To Please Train Bears To Hang Out Where Humans Can See Them
Who needs Yelp for government parks and services when you can just leave a comment card? While it’s quite normal to be disappointed at not seeing any animals on a visit to Yellowstone National Park, the thing is, there’s no guarantee of seeing wild animals, being that they’re, well, wild, and they do as they please. But that didn’t stop park guests from politely asking rangers to point some bears in the right direction. [More]