Just A Reminder: Leave Your Siberian Tiger At Home Before You Go Bar-Hopping

This guy’s already had a few too many. (mainfr4me)
If I had a pet tiger, no doubt I would want to take him everywhere. You know, because tigers love seeing what the city has to offer. But after a man took his Siberian tiger cub out for a walk and stopped at a few bars in town, cops have decided that’s probably not the best idea, exposure to the big, wide world of human society regardless.
It’s one thing when a wild bear gets confused and ends up patronizing a local watering hole. But police in a Chicago-area town say that the operator of a nearby nonprofit ranch, which is home to big animals like bears and wolves, shouldn’t be bringing a tiger cub out as his wingman. Wingtiger?
According to The Herald-News, witnesses have seen the 57-year-old man walking around town with a Siberian Tiger cub, including stops at several bars. Police would like to politely remind us all that such beasts don’t need to socialize that way and definitely don’t need another shot of whiskey.
“After 32 years in law enforcement, I thought I had seen and heard everything,” the town police chief said after an officer spotted the twosome out and about. “Taking your tiger for a walk downtown on a wintry day.”
While there’s apparently no city ordinance specifically prohibiting tiger walks/tiger visits to the bar, police convinced the man to take the tiger home and keep him there, as he’s considered a dangerous animal.
After further research, officials decided that his animal exhibitor’s license doesn’t extend to such public displays, and charged him with three misdemeanors: reckless conduct, disorderly conduct and possession of a dangerous animal.
“While we were looking into possible charges, officers spoke with a woman who claimed the tiger bit her in [in a local bar in December],” the police chief said.
“We are trying to be proactive and will be speaking with business owners,” he added. “Dangerous animals do not belong in liquor establishments.”
We imagine they’ll be distributing signs soon reading: “NO TIGERS Of ANY KIND ALLOWED.”
You can follow MBQ on Twitter to see if she ever actually brings a tiger out for a walk: @marybethquirk
Man takes tiger for a walk [The Herald-News]
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