
(The Impulsive Buy)

Bacon Joins Lineup Of Ridiculous Walmart Exclusive Pringles Flavors

You know how we keep saying that “sriracha is the new bacon?” Well, over at Pringles, bacon is also the new bacon, as Pringles has introduced bacon-flavored chips to go along with the sriracha ones we told you about last week. Like those, they’re a Walmart exclusive. No, this is not a post from 2012 that accidentally got republished today. [More]

Don’t Order Last-Minute Flowers: Make Chocolate-Dipped Bacon Roses

Don’t Order Last-Minute Flowers: Make Chocolate-Dipped Bacon Roses

Maybe your planned flower delivery is delayed. Maybe the nasty weather has you stranded at home and unable to head outside to shop for gifts to mark the holiday. Or maybe you have a package of bacon and some toothpicks sitting around the house and some time to kill. It doesn’t matter. You don’t need a justification to make bacon roses. You don’t even need a holiday. [More]

People Doing All Sorts Of Things With Bacon At Casino’s Weeklong Festival

People Doing All Sorts Of Things With Bacon At Casino’s Weeklong Festival

What do you do if you’re an Atlantic City casino and want the crowds to come running through your doors, drool bubbling and eyes frantically searching? Why, just use that old familiar siren — bacon. Because people just love eating it, smelling it, rolling around in it and whatever else you can do with the stuff. [More]

Don't even have to ask where the bacon is.

Jack In The Box Debuts “Bacon Insider” Burger With Bacon/Beef Frankenpatty, 6 Strips Of Bacon

Did someone mention bacon? Oh that’s right, I did, three times in the headline. I had to, because the Jack in the Box chain has apparently left its finger on the bacon button and refused to let up. Its new “Bacon Insider” burger not only has bacon+beef patty, but layers six slices of bacon on top and adds a bacon mayo. [More]

20 Years Later, Taco Bell Revives Bacon-Centric Menu… In The Philippines

20 Years Later, Taco Bell Revives Bacon-Centric Menu… In The Philippines

The Taco Bell “First Meal” breakfast menu here in the United States is all right. It has donut holes filled with Cinnabon frosting, after all. Do you know what it doesn’t have at breakfast time? Bacon-filled tacos. To get those from a Taco Bell, you’re going to have to do some traveling. To the Philippines. [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts Exec Commits Food Heresy, Predicts “Sausage Will Be The New Bacon”

Dunkin’ Donuts Exec Commits Food Heresy, Predicts “Sausage Will Be The New Bacon”

Now I enjoy sausage just as much, maybe even more, than the average meat-eater, but no matter what form it takes — breakfast sausage, bratwurst, chorizo, andouille, kielbasa, etc. — sausage just isn’t bacon, which can be laid atop, wrapped around, and crumbled into just about any dish with good results. But one Dunkin’ Donuts exec believes there is truly untapped potential in the sausage. [More]

Why Is Kraft So Darn Secretive About Its Bacon Planning?

Why Is Kraft So Darn Secretive About Its Bacon Planning?

You should know better, Kraft Foods, than to put a job that relates to bacon out there on the Internet and then not have answers for us when we inevitably come knocking. Because while yes, it seems to be a simple customer sales planning job — but it’s for bacon. Just bacon. Nothing else. [More]

Pizza Hut Puerto Rico Adds Bacon To Pools Of Cheese On Crust

Pizza Hut Puerto Rico Adds Bacon To Pools Of Cheese On Crust

You might not know that the Cheeseburger Pizza that Pizza Hut has put on the menu in some of its international restaurants has an American cousin. It’s true! It’s called Crazy Cheesy Crust, and lacks the mini burger patties, but has the same vague flower-ish shape. The cheesy monstrosity also has a cousin in Puerto Rico, the with one important difference: the cheesy crust pools can come with bacon. [More]

I just... I can't.

If You Prefer To Slather Bacon Under Your Arms Instead Of It Eating It, This Product Is For You

It is a jungle out there on the dating scene, am I right, single ladies and men? But you’ll have the advantage on the meat market with this little baby — bacon deodorant, complete with “Meaty Fresh” scent. Okay, I give up. The world is too weird to understand. [via FoodBeast] [More]

‘Tis The Season To Use A Frozen Turkey As A Weapon During Grocery Store Brawl

‘Tis The Season To Use A Frozen Turkey As A Weapon During Grocery Store Brawl

We understand that the holiday season can get anyone’s duff up — it’s jungle out there, what with a shortage of Butterball frozen turkeys and all. So sure, maybe tempers were running high at a grocery store meat counter in Madison, Wis., but that’s no reason to start a food fight and use victuals as weapons. [More]

Maybe You Can’t Father Children Because You’re Eating Too Much Bacon

Maybe You Can’t Father Children Because You’re Eating Too Much Bacon

Have you been trying to start a family but not having any luck? Maybe it’s that slap of bacon (or other processed meat product) you devour to get into the mood. [More]

This is not a joke. Ford actually has several bacon-themed graphics packages for the new Fiesta.

Have You Done Your International Bacon Day Shopping Yet?

We know that technically this upcoming holiday weekend is for Labor Day, but in our clogged heart of hearts, the better holiday this weekend is being celebrated on Saturday — International Bacon Day! [More]

New And Exciting Products: Bacon Bowls Are What They Sound Like

New And Exciting Products: Bacon Bowls Are What They Sound Like

Products sold in direct-response ads usually target a very specific problem, make consumers aware that they have the problem, and then present a product that solves that problem. The Bacon Bowl follows this pattern, except that we weren’t aware that Americans lacked ways to cram more bacon into our faces. [More]

With Bacon And M&Ms, Resort Makes Couple Feel At Home

With Bacon And M&Ms, Resort Makes Couple Feel At Home

When making a hotel reservation online, there’s a box where you can type in any special requests you have for your stay. Do you need down-free pillows? A cot, if the hotel doesn’t charge extra for them? You could ask there. One vacationing Redditor, though, took the opportunity to see whether anyone reads that box at all.  [More]

Celebrate America With The 100% Bacon Cheeseburger On A Bacon Bun

Celebrate America With The 100% Bacon Cheeseburger On A Bacon Bun

Maybe the bacon craze is finally over. (Cause of death: coronary artery disease.) Bacon madness has reached its zenith with the ‘merica burger at Slater’s 50/50 in California. It’s made from 100% ground bacon. Because, ‘merica! [More]


The Dream Is Over: Scope Bacon Is Not Real

We all knew that this news was coming, but it’s still so very difficult to hear. Scope Bacon is not real. The campaign proved just plausible enough to get people talking, but wasn’t plausible enough to be a real Procter & Gamble product. [More]


Flavor Wizards Behind Bacon Salt And Sriracha Lip Balm Announce Bacon Condoms

The flavor wizards over at J&D’s Foods began their empire with Bacon Salt, a product that is vegetarian and certified kosher, yet tastes exactly like bacon. They expanded their product line to include other flavors (Sriracha hot sauce, malt vinegar) and products that aren’t food (caskets, envelopes, shaving cream.) Now a new product joins Bacon Lube in their series of non-edible Bacon After Dark items: bacon condoms. [More]


Bacon Shaving Cream: Just Slather Your Face With Pork And Call It A Day

I love bacon. Maybe you do too, seeing as it’s a heavenly product descended from the gods of yore or ancient Greece or something, probably. But do any of us love it enough to slap it all over our respective body parts and then shave it off with a razor? The folks behind Baconnaise and the Bacon Coffin are trying to outdo themselves yet again, this time with Bacon Shaving Cream. [More]