Bacon is taking over the world. And just to prove bacon’s true power Oscar Mayer invented a way for devout bacon lovers to wake up to the rich aroma and sizzling sound of the breakfast staple without actually, you know, cooking it. [More]
bacon is everywhere

People Doing All Sorts Of Things With Bacon At Casino’s Weeklong Festival
What do you do if you’re an Atlantic City casino and want the crowds to come running through your doors, drool bubbling and eyes frantically searching? Why, just use that old familiar siren — bacon. Because people just love eating it, smelling it, rolling around in it and whatever else you can do with the stuff. [More]

Jack In The Box Debuts “Bacon Insider” Burger With Bacon/Beef Frankenpatty, 6 Strips Of Bacon
Did someone mention bacon? Oh that’s right, I did, three times in the headline. I had to, because the Jack in the Box chain has apparently left its finger on the bacon button and refused to let up. Its new “Bacon Insider” burger not only has bacon+beef patty, but layers six slices of bacon on top and adds a bacon mayo. [More]

20 Years Later, Taco Bell Revives Bacon-Centric Menu… In The Philippines
The Taco Bell “First Meal” breakfast menu here in the United States is all right. It has donut holes filled with Cinnabon frosting, after all. Do you know what it doesn’t have at breakfast time? Bacon-filled tacos. To get those from a Taco Bell, you’re going to have to do some traveling. To the Philippines. [More]
Jack In The Box's Mad Food Scientists Pair Bacon With Milkshakes
There are few food frontiers bacon had yet to conquer, but dessert beverages may have been one of the last. That is until Jack in the Box decided to pair the two in a bacon milkshake. If the fast food chain isn’t the first to dream up the stomach-turning concept, it’s certainly the one to do so in the most proudly public manner. [More]