In its continuing quest against artificial additives, Panera Bread says it’s made some recent changes to its bacon. Before you freak out, company executives want you to know it’ll still taste “bacon-y.” Because we all know there’s nothing worse than un-bacon-y bacon. [More]
bacon is the new bacon

We’re Pretty Jealous Of This Kid Eating Bacon For The Very First Time
If there’s one thing in life I regret, it’s that I can’t remember the first time I ever ate bacon (or cheese, for that matter. Or pizza. Or Nutella). But through the glory of technology, there’s a whole new generation of kids who will easily be able to look back on their initial interactions with food, glorious food, because their parents are armed with camera phones to preserve the experience in thrilling detail. [More]

Bacon Joins Lineup Of Ridiculous Walmart Exclusive Pringles Flavors
You know how we keep saying that “sriracha is the new bacon?” Well, over at Pringles, bacon is also the new bacon, as Pringles has introduced bacon-flavored chips to go along with the sriracha ones we told you about last week. Like those, they’re a Walmart exclusive. No, this is not a post from 2012 that accidentally got republished today. [More]