A lot of white-haired bearded guys look like Santa Claus. Some of them play up that resemblance during the Christmas season, whether it’s by getting hired to be a Santa for an event, or by just spreading goodwill and holiday cheer. However, one unofficial Santa says he was booted from a Six Flags amusement park because he looked too much like the big-bellied bearded gift-giver. [More]
the holiday spirit

“Layaway Angel” Earns His Nickname By Paying $20K Worth Of Strangers’ Balances At Walmart
All it took for a stranger to plunk down $20,000 at a Florida Walmart was overhearing a customer saying she’d have to cancel her layaway purchases. The so-called “layaway angel” was at the store buying bikes for a charity event and decided right then to extend his generosity. [More]

Nearly Half Of Black Friday Shoppers Shopping For Themselves
While Black Friday is always seen as the in-earnest kickoff of the holiday shopping season, a lot of those people camped out outside of Targets, Walmarts, Best Buys, Toys R Us stores, etc., have no intention of buying a Christmas/Hanukkah gift for anyone but themselves. [More]

Have You Done Your International Bacon Day Shopping Yet?
We know that technically this upcoming holiday weekend is for Labor Day, but in our clogged heart of hearts, the better holiday this weekend is being celebrated on Saturday — International Bacon Day! [More]