Flavor Wizards Behind Bacon Salt And Sriracha Lip Balm Announce Bacon Condoms

It’s pretty much what it says on the box: a strip of bacon printed on a strip of three condoms which have a bacon-like design on them, pre-treated with Bacon Lube. “Make your meat look like meat,” declares the tagline.
J&D’s also announced bacon-scented sunscreen today, another glorious idea. “Science has shown us that 10 out of 10 people prefer the smell of Bacon to coconut,” they note, which is probably true.
Now, look at the calendar. It’s dangerously close to April 1st. Bacon Lube itself began as a hilarious April Fool’s announcement, but became a real product. Could either Bacon Condoms or Bacon Sunscreen be only a cruel, cruel joke? We’ll find out soon enough.
Bacon Condoms [J&D’s Foods]
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