Soon, instead of leaving your bacon in the frying pan — on the verge of burning — in order to get that crispy, crunchy meat, you could just buy crispier bacon from the get-go. Scientists say they have developed genetically modified pigs meant to reduce costs for farmers, while providing consumers with leaner meat. [More]

Hormel Worried People Will Confuse ‘Black Label’ Beggin’ Strips With Its Real Bacon
Hormel makes bacon for human consumption, while Nestlé Purina makes bacon — or Beggin’ Strips — for dogs. The bacon and Beggin’ worlds have generally played nice with each other, but then Purina came out with “Black Label” Beggin’ Strips, which hits too close to home for Hormel. [More]

ALERT: U.S. Bacon Reserves Hit 50-Year Low Because We Just Can’t Stop Eating Bacon
Crispy, crunchy, fragrant, savory — it’s no mystery that Americans love our bacon. But we’re eating so much of it lately that our nation’s bacon reserves — yes, that exists — are at their lowest levels in 50 years. [More]

Panera Nixing Artificial Additives In New “Clean Bacon”
In its continuing quest against artificial additives, Panera Bread says it’s made some recent changes to its bacon. Before you freak out, company executives want you to know it’ll still taste “bacon-y.” Because we all know there’s nothing worse than un-bacon-y bacon. [More]

Town Really Wants Kevin Bacon To Attend Bacon Festival, Because Of Course It Does
If you’re a celebrity whose last name happens to be the word for a delicious, crispy pork product, it goes without saying that people are going to want you to attend any celebrations dedicated to that food. Just ask Kevin Bacon. [More]

The Texting World Is Finally Getting A Bacon Emoji
More than a year after we heard that texters would finally be getting the bacon emoji they’ve been demanding, so it has come to pass: the pork graphic is among 72 new emojis that will appear on phones in the near future. [More]

We’re Pretty Jealous Of This Kid Eating Bacon For The Very First Time
If there’s one thing in life I regret, it’s that I can’t remember the first time I ever ate bacon (or cheese, for that matter. Or pizza. Or Nutella). But through the glory of technology, there’s a whole new generation of kids who will easily be able to look back on their initial interactions with food, glorious food, because their parents are armed with camera phones to preserve the experience in thrilling detail. [More]

World Health Organization Report Links Bacon, Hot Dogs, Other Processed Meats To Cancer
You might want to put down your daily hot dog snack while you read this one: a new report from the World Health Organization says bacon, ham and other sausages are a major cause of cancer, putting processed meats in the same category as carcinogens like tobacco, arsenic, asbestos and alcohol. [More]

Oscar Mayer Wants To Put All The Love In One Place With Bacon Dating App
Sometimes, you just know it right away… your pulse quickens, your throat tightens, your stomach rumbles — ah, the heady feeling you get when you’re looking at your dream plate of bacon. Love for another human can be pretty great too. To bring together “bacon soulmates,” Oscar Mayer is touting a new dating app for pork lovers called “Sizzl.” [More]

Genius Scientists Have Developed Bacon-Flavored Seaweed Because Clearly That Is Necessary
If I had a nickel for every time I was munching on a piece of seaweed and thought, “This would be better if it tasted like the bacon of the sea,” I would have zero nickels. But because people love all things that taste like that savory pork product, of course a group of scientists have figured out how to make seaweed-flavored bacon. [More]
![[Insert joke about literally bringing home the bacon here]](../../
Indiana Lottery Debuts Bacon-Scented Scratch-Off Tickets, Prizes Include 20-Year Supply Of Bacon
It appears Indiana likes New Hampshire’s style, as the state’s Hoosier Lottery has introduced a bacon-scented scratch-off ticket of its own. But unlike previous bacon-themed lotteries designed to tempt your olfactory system, this one actually includes the savory meat in the list of prizes, with a 20-year-supply of bacon at stake for players. [More]

Hardee’s/Carl’s Jr. Slaps A Hot Dog & Potato Chips On A Cheeseburger, Calls It “Most American Thickburger”
When it comes to stacking meat-upon-meat, pretty much nothing surprises us these days. So a hot dog on a hamburger? Pretty much inevitable (see: bacon on hamburgers). Adding potato chips? Sure, why not get it all done with at once. That’s the lineup for the Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s upcoming Most American Thickburger. [More]

Hero Sets Record By Eating 182 Slices Of Bacon In Five Minutes
Listen, not everyone can throw arterial caution to the wind, so when someone does go above and beyond the usual bacon intake to prove themselves a hero in the pork-eating world, it must be noted. I salute you, guy who ate 182 slices of bacon in five minutes, because there is no way I will ever be you. [More]

Little Caesars Makes Internet-Ready, Bacon-Wrapped Pizza
What’s the fastest way for a fast food purveyor to make news online? Slap some bacon on whatever they’re selling. Or in the case of Little Caesars, wrap 3.5 feet of bacon around it. [More]

Your Pork Prayers Have Been Answered: Bacon Prices Are Falling
The choice between money in your wallet and savory, melt-in-your-mouth bacon has just gotten a lot easier, my bacon-loving friends: The pork industry is coming through a recent porcine diarrhea epidemic that slowed down business for awhile, meaning your next bacon fix won’t be quite as costly. [More]

Officials In Chinese City Blaming “Severe Air Pollution” On Bacon, Delicious Bacon
While smoked bacon might be No. 1 on your list of favorite all-time foods/friends in the entire world, one city in China has had it up to here with oderiferous waves of pork smell wafting into the air. Officials there are blaming residents’ love of homemade smoked bacon on “severe air pollution.” More like, “severe belly delight,” am I right? [More]