It’s the stunt restaurant that can’t stop stuntin’: Kellogg’s all-day cereal cafe in New York City is offering a menu filled with Pop-Tart stunt foods, including “pizza,” “tacos,” and “fries” — all made with the breakfast pastry. [More]
pop tarts

There’s A New Line Of Beverage-Flavored Pop-Tarts For Some Reason
Like Oreos, M&Ms, and numerous snack foods before them, Pop-Tarts have introduced seasonal novelty flavors meant to draw sales and free publicity. Now flavors have gone from vaguely fruit-like to bizarre with the announcement of a line of toaster pastries flavored like soft drinks. Sounds refreshing. [More]

Beer And Breakfast Go Together Like Pop Tarts And India Pale Ale. Wait, What?
If we thought it couldn’t get any more breakfast-y for beer lovers after the creation of Count Chocula beer and HefeWheaties, then we were wrong. Because, apparently, there’s also now a sudsy beverage celebrating everyone’s love for Pop Tarts. [More]

The Grocery Shrink Ray: Quietly Stealing Our Food For Decades
The Grocery Shrink Ray is what we call it when the manufacturers of food and consumer goods make their products smaller––sometimes almost imperceptibly smaller––rather than raise prices. You know what it looks like: it’s why your toilet paper doesn’t quite fill the holder anymore, and why you don’t get as many servings of hot chocolate as you used to. We know that it’s been in action for decades, but is there proof? Yes: one need only turn to collectors of consumer ephemera like boxes and cans. [More]

The Pop-Tart Commercials That Haunt My Dreams
Pretty girls, fruit hurtling in windows, giant toasters: it’s like something out of a terrifying hallucination. Only it’s not. These are the terrifying images that those of us who watched Pop-Tart commercials in the ’80s and ’90s are now trying to forget. [More]

Times Square Pop-Tart Emporium Doesn't Open Until After Breakfast
When do you eat Pop-Tarts? They’re supposed to be a breakfast food, aren’t they? So why does the new Pop-Tarts World store in Manhattan’s Times Square not open until 11:00? That’s lunchtime, people! [More]

Pop-Tarts Open Times Square Pop-Up Store With Pop-Tart Sushi
In order to satisfy the staggering outcry for Pop-Tart related services, the iconic toaster treat has opened up a store in Times Square. One of the delicacies they serve is “Pop-Tart Sushi,” three kinds of minced Pop-Tarts rolled in fruit roll-up. [More]

Make Your Own Pop Tarts!
Here’s a cool recipe for making your own Pop Tarts at home from SmittenKitchen. Sturdy crust, not soggy filling – the secret is a lil’ thickener – and, according to the author, “the buttery, flaky, no-toaster-required-to-soften-it transcendence the grocery store aisle version can only dream about.” It’s fun, it’s tasty, it’s HFCS-free. [More]

Go-Tarts Blithely Indifferent To Own Sucking
Dan loves Kellogg’s Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts. When he saw Kellogg’s had a new version, “Pop-Tarts Go-Tarts,” he gave them a shot and was promptly disgusted. “Bad as in “I ordered the filet and I got rump” bad,” he says.