Have you ever wanted to invite a friend out for a McRib, but aren’t sure where they’re available? This is probably an extremely rare problem, but McDonald’s has solved it nevertheless with a new app. The bad news: it’s only available for iPhone so far, and it’s not especially useful. [More]

The McRib Returns This Week In 75% Of U.S. McDonald’s
Now that McDonald’s has reassured everyone that the McRib does, in fact, contain real meat, it’s time for the annual sandwich to return to the menu. Well, in most of the country. [More]

McDonald’s Wants You To Watch How A McRib Gets Made So You’ll Eat At McDonald’s
As part of McDonald’s battle to appeal to customers by answering their questions about what’s in the chain’s food and addressing other rumors, there’s one image burned into many a McRib lovers’ minds that prompts the question, “What is this thing I’m stuffing down my throat made out of?” But again, if customers have to ask or express doubts about the food, McDonald’s is already losing the battle. [More]

McDonald’s Franchisees Pinning Hopes On Monopoly & McRib
Sales at McDonald’s have been slipping in recent years, and the company has done everything from making major changes in leadership to revamping the Dollar Menu to offering chicken wings that largely sat uncooked in franchisees’ freezers. Facing forecasts of another down quarter, franchisees are hoping that a couple of old favorites will help point sales in the positive direction. [More]

Better Start Begging If You Want The McRib At Your Local McDonald’s This Year
We know how many of you feel about the McRib, even after seeing it in its frozen form. It’s special, it’s almighty, it’s your heart’s desire every year for the short time it’s available. But there’s no guarantee you’ll get your mouth on one this year, as McDonald’s isn’t launching a national rollout of the sandwich but instead is leaving it up to individual franchises. [More]

Former McDonald’s Worker: The McRib Hasn’t Changed For Over 20 Years
Yesterday we took a look at what a McRib looks like “fresh” out of the box. It’s a frozen meat patty, not unlike other meat patties the customer doesn’t see before it’s transformed into a sandwich butterfly. But perhaps it’s comforting/unsettling to know that it’s not like this is anything new — that’s what the McRib looked like to a Consumerist reader who worked there over 20 years ago. [More]

This Is What An Uncooked McRib Looks Like
Gird your stomach muscles, oh ye lovers of the elusive, seasonal McRib. Because when you see what it looks like before it’s delivered on its bready bed covered in barbecue sauce, you might not be so excited to actually eat it. [More]

Burger King: Hey Guys, McDonald’s Isn’t The Only One Who Can Do A Rib-Shaped Sandwich
Thus far in its life, the McRib has had a solitary existence, with nary another rib-shaped piece of meat out there to keep it company. So rejoice, McDonald’s! Your boneless hunk of rib-ish meat will have new friend soon, when Burger King unveils its summer 2013 menu, including its limited-time BK Rib Sandwich. [More]

McDonald’s Ad Guy Explains The McRib’s Holiday Timing: “We Don’t Really Do Polar Bears”
If Santa Claus came down the chimney every night of the year, would he be super special or would he just be that weird old man trying to get free cookies and milk? Exactly. Which is apparently the thinking behind McDonald’s fleeting McRib season. They’ve got nothing else holiday-ish to offer up, so a barbecue pork sandwich beloved by a devoted cadre of followers is the next best thing. [More]

Not To Dash Your Hopes & Dreams Or Anything, But The McRib's Return Might Be Delayed
Anyone out there looking at the calendar and salivating at that special time of year between late October and early November, the time when the McRib returns to McDonald’s, might need to sit down for a second. According to reportedly leaked internal memo, McDonald’s wants to score a home run in the fourth quarter of the year and is going to delay the McRib’s return until the second half of December. Commence screams of rage. [More]
What In Holy Heck Is The McRibster And Why Can't We Get One Here?
Every time McDonald’s trots out its McRib sandwich, fans clamor for the saucy, vaguely pork-y delicacy. But will they be wiling to go to Austria for the McRibster? [More]

Why Was My McRib Served On A Round Hamburger Bun?
McRib fever is sweeping the nation. In the area in upstate New York where Harold lives, this situation has become desperate. His local McDonald’s is clearly so overwhelmed that they’ve run out of the proper-sized buns for the McRib and slapped his delicious meat log in a hamburger-sized bun.

What's A McRib Made Of?
There’s no rib in a McRib. There are about 70 other ingredients. The greatest amount of them come from ground-up low-value pork trimmings mixed together with salt and water to create “meat logs” that are then carved to size. So in what forest do you find a meat log? [More]

The McRib Is Back, Temporarily
The McRib is a flirtatious little pile of pork. On the menu, then off again, then up to individual franchises to decide whether to offer it, the boneless pork patty on a sesame bun is going to be back at McDonald’s again starting today through November 14th. [More]

Thanks But No Thanks For The Raw McRib
You probably never wanted to see what the insides of a raw McDonald’s McRib sandwich looked like. Neither did Consumerist reader Russell, but he didn’t really have a say in the matter. [More]

How To Turn A McRib Into A Hawaiian Thanksgiving
With only a couple weeks to go before the McRib disappears into obscurity again, true fans of the pork-ish McDonald’s sandwich are trying to get their fill. And now, thanks to Erik Trinidad, the mad genius behind Fancy Fast Food, they can even enjoy their favorite treat on Thanksgiving. [More]