Is it too much for you to handle utensils in the morning? Sonic Drive-In thinks it has the answer in the form of a blast from the past: the chain is bringing back its previously popular “Pancake on a Stick” to restaurant menus this fall. [More]

Now Burger King Is Just Throwing Doritos On A Burger Because It Can
These days, it seems if you want to put a twist on your everyday, boring fast food items, you can just throw a bunch of chips on something or mix it with Cheetos and call it a day. On that note, we’d like to introduce you to Burger King’s latest test, a steakhouse burger topped with Doritos. [More]

Cappuccino-Flavored Potato Chips Are Heading To Stores Whether You Want To Eat Them Or Not
You reap what you sow, which means whoever out there suggested that it would be a great idea to make cappuccino-flavored potato chips has turned that freaky bit of frankenfood fantasy into reality. [More]

Burger King Crowns The Pizza Burger
If you’re hungry, live in New York and can’t decide whether you want a pizza or hamburger, the Burger King Pizza Burger may be for you. [More]