
(Scott Lynch)

The Consumerist Quiz: Test Your Fast Food Calorie IQ

Earlier this week we told you about the most calorific appetizers, entrees, and desserts at the nation’s biggest sort-of-but-not-really Italian chain restaurants. While most of those dishes were well into 4-digit territory, most of us chow down on fast food more than we do at casual dining restaurants. [More]

Man Sues Minnesota McDonald’s For Not Allowing Him To Eat Inside With Service Dog

Man Sues Minnesota McDonald’s For Not Allowing Him To Eat Inside With Service Dog

It’s against the law for companies to discriminate or refuse service to people with service animals. But a Minnesota McDonald’s allegedly violated those laws and now faces a federal lawsuit. [More]

McDonald’s Is Sending Ronald McDonald To Work On Twitter In A New Outfit

McDonald’s Is Sending Ronald McDonald To Work On Twitter In A New Outfit

Let there be no doubt about it — just because there’s some “taco shop” out there using guys named Ronald McDonald to talk breakfast smack, the true Ronny McDonny has only one master and that is McDonald’s. The chain is dusting off the 51-year-old Ronald McDonald character, giving him a new outfit and sending him out to spread the chain’s message on social media. [More]

(Morton Fox)

McDonald’s CEO Not Worried About Breakfast Competition From “Sandwich” Or “Taco Shops”

You know what they say about if the breakfast kitchen is too hot you should get out, something like that? Well, McDonald’s CEO Don Thompson sounds like he’s not even breaking a sweat when it comes to any competition from Taco Bell or Subway breakfast offerings. [More]

McDonald's current Happy Meal toy options.

McDonald’s Trying To Stop Differentiating Between “Girls” And “Boys” Toys In Happy Meals

McDonald’s has long offered two types of choices in its Happy Meal toys — one targeted to boys and one aimed at girls. But not every boy wants a robot fighter and not every girl craves a pink winged pony; an idea that a number of McDonald’s employees didn’t seem to understand. So in response to concerns that the fast food mega-chain was ignoring some young customers’ requests, McDonald’s is now teaching workers to leave gender out of the Happy Meal discussion. [More]

Starbucks: Our Ads With Men Named Duncan Came Before Taco Bell’s Ronald McDonald Spots

Starbucks: Our Ads With Men Named Duncan Came Before Taco Bell’s Ronald McDonald Spots

Perhaps you had a good chuckle over those Taco Bell ads starring men named Ronald McDonald where the gag is — can you believe this? — they actually prefer the Bell’s new breakfast over McDonald’s. It’s funny because of their names. And while some are calling Starbucks a copycat for its Seattle’s Best Coffee spots with testimonials from men named Duncan pledging their love (because Dunkin’ Donuts!), the company is stressing that its ads came first. [More]

Teenagers Turning Restaurants Into The Cool New Hangout Spots As Malls Die Off

Teenagers Turning Restaurants Into The Cool New Hangout Spots As Malls Die Off

A word to any Hollywood screenwriters working on a scene where old cops go back to high school disguised as implausibly believable students — put those characters at a mall and real teenagers will know you don’t know what’s cool these days. Namely, malls are out, and restaurants are in as the new spot to hangout. [More]


Topless Woman Goes On Rampage At McDonald’s In Only A Thong, Stops To Snack

We all know that no shirt and no shoes means no service, and that should probably be extended to “no real pants” after a woman recently trashed a Florida McDonald’s wearing only her skivvies. She then rewarded herself with some self-serve soft-serve ice cream at the end, as one apparently might feel inclined to do after wreaking half-naked havoc. [More]


Do Not Punch Someone For Cutting You In Line At The McDonald’s Drive-Thru

I’m thinking it might be a good idea to just put together a Drive-Thru Customer’s Bill of Rights, wherein all parties agree that in exchange for receiving food through a window, good manners are required. And by good manners I mean not punching your fellow customers in the face, no matter the reason. [More]

8 Things Companies Have Said That Sounded Like April Fool’s Jokes But Sadly Weren’t

8 Things Companies Have Said That Sounded Like April Fool’s Jokes But Sadly Weren’t

For the calendar-challenged, we’ll point out that today is April 1, meaning the Internet is full of phony products, fake stories, doctored photos… so, you know, it’s like most days on the Internet. Rather than serve up a “United Charges Upgrade Fee For Merely Being Jealous Of First-Class Passengers” headline, or a post about Comcast CEO Brian Roberts giving up his job to play Gretl Von Trapp in a regional theater production of The Sound of Music, we’re looking back at some stories that would have been appropriate for April Fool’s. [More]

McDonald’s Giving Away Free Coffee For Two Weeks

McDonald’s Giving Away Free Coffee For Two Weeks

In an effort to combat recently launched breakfast efforts at Taco Bell and others, as well as trying to score some positive publicity amid months of negative news and lawsuits regarding its labor practices, McDonald’s is acting like Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas morning, gifting free coffee with a smile for two weeks starting Monday. [More]

Latest Worst Company Voting Results Confirm: People Hate Banks

Latest Worst Company Voting Results Confirm: People Hate Banks

After a brief breather, it was back to pummeling the living heck out each other for the remaining contenders in this year’s Worst Company In America tournament. And even though the nation’s largest airline and biggest fast food chain looked like they might have had what it takes to challenge for the Golden Poo, one has to always remember an ages-old truth: People just plain hate banks. [More]

Hello, future regret. Or not, who knows.

Teen Will Have Fun Explaining To Grandkids Why He’s Got A Tattoo Of A McDonald’s Receipt

We can picture it now: A cozy scene in front of a blazing fire, 50 years hence. “Gather round, children. It’s time your Grandpa finally explained why he tattooed a McDonald’s receipt on his arm at the tender young age of 18.” Because yes, that happened. [More]


The Average Burger King Outlet Earns Half As Much As A McDonald’s. Why?

Competitors McDonald’s and Burger King sell similar food to similar customers, and both use a franchise business model. Yet, on average, a McDonald’s restaurant takes in about twice as much as the average Burger King restaurant. Why is that? Well, for starters, that creepy king mascot of theirs was driving women and children away. [More]

Facebook Gets The Thumbs-Up From Haters, Takes Final Spot In Worst Company Not-So-Sweet 16

Facebook Gets The Thumbs-Up From Haters, Takes Final Spot In Worst Company Not-So-Sweet 16

After more than a week of bloodshed, half of the contenders that dared to dip their toes into the Worst Company wading pool (stocked with laser-equipped piranha and some ill-tempered guppies) have been carried out in Consumerist-branded body bags. The 16 fighters that remain are bruised, but not broken, and one of them will soon be crowned with the coveted Golden Poo. [More]

Walmart, Koch, McDonald’s All Move On To Round Two Of Worst Company Tournament

Walmart, Koch, McDonald’s All Move On To Round Two Of Worst Company Tournament

Two of today’s WCIA battles were dominated by household names, proving that being the biggest doesn’t mean you’re the best. Another showdown featured companies that aren’t necessarily on the tip of everyones’ tongues, but are no less hated than the big brand names. [More]

Angry McDonald’s Customer Kicks In Glass Door, Pepper Sprays Staff

(In case you hadn’t guessed, the above video contains some NSFW utterances, so turn down your volume or put on headphones before everyone at work notices). We think we’ve found a soulmate for the Florida woman who torched her dining companion’s car after he refused to buy her a McFlurry. It’s this guy in Galway, Ireland, who kicked in the glass door of his local Golden Arches and then repeatedly pepper-sprayed the people inside. [More]

After Being Denied McFlurry, Woman Sets Car On Fire In McDonald’s Parking Lot

After Being Denied McFlurry, Woman Sets Car On Fire In McDonald’s Parking Lot

While I personally think the McFlurry is nothing special (probably because I spent the better part of my adolescence making top-notch Blizzards at Dairy Queen), even the world’s most ardent fan of the McDonald’s dessert would probably agree that it isn’t anything worth setting someone else’s car on fire over. [More]