Do Not Punch Someone For Cutting You In Line At The McDonald’s Drive-Thru

I’m thinking it might be a good idea to just put together a Drive-Thru Customer’s Bill of Rights, wherein all parties agree that in exchange for receiving food through a window, good manners are required. And by good manners I mean not punching your fellow customers in the face, no matter the reason.
As for why one man allegedly punched another McDonald’s drive-thru customer in the face, well she’d committed the grievous slight of being in a car that had apparently pulled in front of him after ordering. Annoying and bad form on the driver’s part, if true, yes, of course.
But according to footage on (link autoplays video), the Florida man took his annoyance at the slight to a whole new level, exiting his vehicle in the double-lane drive-thru and approaching the passenger’s side of the other car to confront those inside.
Witnesses told police that the passenger asked the suspect what his problem was as he allegedly yelled profanities and racial slurs. In the video it appears she then tries to shut the door while he keeps it open and continues to yell, and then reaches in and hits the woman in the face. He then goes back to his van and drives off, without that food he apparently was willing to fight to get.
Police found him at home and he admitted to being at McDonald’s, but said he was angry at the other car for cutting him off and was only at the door for 15 seconds.
“It was like a road rage incident,” the suspect said after watching the video and apparently realizing he did a lot more than yell. Allegedly.
He’s been charged with simple battery and will be among the first to receive any Drive-Thru Bill of Rights I decide to publish, if I ever do. Which I totally should because people need to be nice to each other, I don’t care how hungry you are. Allegedly.
Road Rage: Man punches woman in McDonalds drive-thru []
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