Although it’s not that difficult to pull off a more polished look than “elastic-waist pants and a sweatshirt,” United Airlines flight attendants and other employees will probably be dressed better than many travelers with plans for new Brooks Brothers uniforms. [More]
makeover madness

McDonald’s Is Sending Ronald McDonald To Work On Twitter In A New Outfit
Let there be no doubt about it — just because there’s some “taco shop” out there using guys named Ronald McDonald to talk breakfast smack, the true Ronny McDonny has only one master and that is McDonald’s. The chain is dusting off the 51-year-old Ronald McDonald character, giving him a new outfit and sending him out to spread the chain’s message on social media. [More]

Olive Garden Touting Its New Logo As The Symbol For Its “Brand Renaissance”
Olive Garden has been busy trying to convince people it’s not the same fast casual dining experience it’s always been — first with tapas, then a burger and some new menus, and now Darden is pinning its hopes and dreams on a revamped logo as part of its “brand renaissance” efforts. [More]

Buy Your VHS Tape Rewinders Elsewhere: RadioShack Is Revamping Its Image… Again
If you need a new (old?) VHS tape rewinder you better scoot your tush out the door right now and see if RadioShack still has one. The store’s new CEO is all revved up and ready to give some 220 of the company’s stores a whole new look, and is ready to refresh the retailer’s image by dumping all those old products it used to hang onto. Just don’t call it The Shack anymore, please. [More]

The New Self-Aware Kool-Aid Man Apparently Has More To Say Than Just “Oh Yeah”
After decades bursting through the wall with nothing more to offer than a simple catchphrase of “Oh yeah!” the Kool-Aid is finally gaining a bit of dignity in the form of an actual personality. He’s also going from being played by a person in a foam costume to a computer-generated character, one that is apparently aware of his celebrity status and is attempting to relate to us common folk. [More]

Facebook’s Newsfeed Redesign Seeks To De-Clutter, Makes Everything Bigger
Listen. You’re probably going to freak out about Facebook redesigning its newsfeed yet again, so let’s get that out of the way [cue freakout]. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to what Mark Zuckerberg and company announced today at the unveiling. Basically everything is getting a lot bigger and less cluttered. [More]