With only hours to go before we bid adieu to 2015, it’s time to look back and see how much you can recall about the year that was. [More]
what do you know?

Ashley Madison Offering $378,000 Reward For Info On Hackers
While big companies have been known to offer “bounties” to white-hat hackers to test for weaknesses in their networks and websites to ensure they aren’t one day breached in a cyber attack, it’s too late for AshleyMadison.com, the dating site for cheaters. After the embarrassment of having its users’ private information made very public, the site is now dangling several hundred thousand dollars as a reward for information leading to the arrest of the group behind the massive hack. [More]

The Consumerist Quiz: Test Your Fast Food Calorie IQ
Earlier this week we told you about the most calorific appetizers, entrees, and desserts at the nation’s biggest sort-of-but-not-really Italian chain restaurants. While most of those dishes were well into 4-digit territory, most of us chow down on fast food more than we do at casual dining restaurants. [More]

The Consumerist Quiz: Do You Know The Stories Behind These Company Names?
We’ve already told you about the origins of the names for companies like GEICO, Sprint, IKEA, and Nabisco, but we can’t just give you all the answers all the time. So to kill some time this weekend, we’re seeing how well our readers know the histories of some of the biggest names in food, retail, and air travel. [More]

The Consumerist Quiz: Can You Match Popular Food Brands With Their Corporate Parents?
How closely do you pay attention to the companies that make the products you and your family eat every day? Many of the most popular brands of packaged food and beverage items in the U.S. are owned by the same few dozen multinational companies, some of whom own several competing brands. It’s time to test your knowledge of which big companies are filling your pantry. [More]

The Consumerist Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Fortune 500 Companies?
While lists like the Fortune 500 are chock-full of companies and brands that are familiar to just about everyone — Walmart, Exxon, Apple, Coca-Cola, IBM — there are plenty of businesses that don’t have that same level of name recognition, even if they have thousands of employees and bring in billions of dollars. [More]
Test your insurance IQ at Bankrate.com. Pssst, we’ll help you cheat: “ID Theft” insurance isn’t worth it. [Bankrate]