Last year, Snap, parent company of the app Snapchat, introduced a whimsical single-purpose product. Its Spectacles, originally available only from vending machines in a few major cities, cost $130 and record 10-second video clips to be posted on Snapchat. That’s it. Somehow, the company claims to have sold 150,000 of these devices. [More]
oh snap

Problems At Snapfish Lead To Pre-Christmas Photo Scramble, Angry Customers
Five years ago, shortly before Christmas 2010, a reader complained to us that the photo-printing service Snapfish over-promised on their Christmas shipping deadlines, running late on her calendars and failing to get them to her before the holiday. This year, they seem to be doing the same on a massive scale, missing their advertised shipping dates due to “unprecedented volume.” [More]

McDonald’s CEO Not Worried About Breakfast Competition From “Sandwich” Or “Taco Shops”
You know what they say about if the breakfast kitchen is too hot you should get out, something like that? Well, McDonald’s CEO Don Thompson sounds like he’s not even breaking a sweat when it comes to any competition from Taco Bell or Subway breakfast offerings. [More]

NY AG Makes Toyota Come To Your House And Get The Damn Car
New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced today that his office had negotiated improved “accommodations” for owners of recalled Toyotas. In short, Toyota agreed to come to your house and get the car if you’re too freaked out to drive it. [More]

Honda Dealer Mocks Toyota, Touts Cars' Non-Deathtrap Status
Well, this is classy. The photo at left purports to be of a Honda dealer in Dallas taking advantage of Toyota’s own private carpocalypse. That is, the serious gas pedal issue that has led to the recall of 2.3 million vehicles and halted production and sales of Toyotas. Hondas, as we all know, are free of mechanical defects. [More]

AT&T Whines To FCC That Google Voice Violates Net Neutrality
On Friday, AT&T filed a letter with the FCC accusing Google Voice of violating network neutrality principles. Google Voice doesn’t work with certain numbers that AT&T, as an old-fashioned landline and mobile provider, does.

Rumble In The Strip Mall: Best Buy Calls Out Walmart
Sure, Best Buy emerged victorious over Circuit City in the Battle of the Big-Box Electronics Stores, but they still have to compete with general discounters like Walmart. Which is why in a new ad campaign, Best Buy calls out Walmart specifically, attacking their employees’ presumed lack of product knowledge compared to Best Buy employees.