The FCC has proposed a kind of arcane-sounding rule change that on the surface might not seem to affect consumers very much. But if all goes well, the rule will prove to be the kind of upstream change that prevents all the you-know-what from flowing on downhill to everyone else, and makes one of the most annoying things about cable TV into ancient history. [More]
can’t we all just get along

Blue Buffalo Files Lawsuit Accusing Nestle Purina Of Propagating A “Smear Campaign”
We’re not going to claim that Consumerist is psychic, but last week we did predict that a cat fight was on the horizon between Blue Buffalo and Nestle Purina. Now, hot off the heels of Purina’s lawsuit alleging Blue Buffalo lies about the ingredients in its dog food, the natural dog food manufacturer has responded in kind with a lawsuit of its own. [More]

Do Not Punch Someone For Cutting You In Line At The McDonald’s Drive-Thru
I’m thinking it might be a good idea to just put together a Drive-Thru Customer’s Bill of Rights, wherein all parties agree that in exchange for receiving food through a window, good manners are required. And by good manners I mean not punching your fellow customers in the face, no matter the reason. [More]

NFL Network Continues To Cause Drama, Pain, Anger
Cable consumers hate the NFL network. Not because its bad, but because the cable companies and the NFL are warring over it and passing the pain on to consumers.