Update: Equifax has taken some pages temporarily offline following the report about malware. [More]

Driver Ignores Safety Measures, Gets His Minivan Stuck In Drawbridge Gap
When you see a brightly colored, reflective traffic arm blocking the path of your car, you probably assume it’s down for a good reason — to keep you and your vehicle safe from whatever is going on beyond it. But one driver apparently saw that precautionary measure as an optional kind of thing, and ended up with his minivan stuck in the gap of a drawbridge. [More]

New FCC Chair Plans To Block Internet Privacy Rule Before It Kicks In
Last October, the FCC adopted a rule that limits what your internet service provider — home or mobile — can do with your private data. At the time, the rule was contentious, with two FCC commissioners dissenting volubly. One of those two commissioners, Ajit Pai, is now FCC Chairman, and he’s announced his plan to stop the privacy rule from taking effect because he thinks it’s not fair to pick on the Comcasts and Charters of the world. [More]

Microsoft Apologizes For Trying To Be Cool With Email Inviting “Bae” Interns For “Dranks”
There is perhaps nothing so cringeworthy as someone who is most definitely *not* cool trying to talk to the younger crowd in their own language. Microsoft is apologizing for such an effort after hitting a spectacularly uncool note this week in an email to its interns, calling them “bae” and inviting them to have a “lots of dranks” on a Monday night at a company event. [More]

Noodles And Company Is This Week’s Luckless Winner Of Data Breach Roulette
Did you enjoy a pad thai, macaroni and cheese, or a pesto cavatappi for lunch sometime in the last few months? And then have your bank very suddenly replace your credit or debit card, due to an unnamed data breach, in early June? You may have Noodles and Co. to thank for both. [More]

New Dating App Bills Itself As “Tinder, Minus The Poor People”
With so many online dating sites and apps to choose from when seeking the love of your life/tonight, newcomers on the scene must make sure to set themselves apart. One way of doing that? Immediately informing potential customers that only rich people are allowed on your app. [More]

Police: Woman Who Led Cops On High-Speed Chase Claims She Paid For Stolen Car With Meth
While you could possibly convince police that you didn’t know the car you bought was stolen, admitting that ou paid for it with meth will still probably land you in a spot of trouble. Especially after you’ve worn out cops with a high-speed chase exceeding 100 mph. That won’t help, either. [More]

FCC Votes To Approve Net Neutrality Rules With Fast Lanes Intact
As predicted, the five FCC commissioners voted 3-2 today to approve Chairman Tom Wheeler’s latest version of the Open Internet rule — better known as net neutrality — with a slightly revised take on so called Internet “fast lanes,” which would have given Internet service providers like Verizon and Time Warner Cable the ability to charge content companies extra for higher priority access to end users. [More]

Teen Will Have Fun Explaining To Grandkids Why He’s Got A Tattoo Of A McDonald’s Receipt
We can picture it now: A cozy scene in front of a blazing fire, 50 years hence. “Gather round, children. It’s time your Grandpa finally explained why he tattooed a McDonald’s receipt on his arm at the tender young age of 18.” Because yes, that happened. [More]

Bar Debuts Drink Called “Date Grape Kool-Aid,” Outrage Inevitably Ensues
There are some serious topics you can joke about: Life’s unavoidable death sentence? Hilarious. The frailty of man in the face a cold and unforgiving universe? Knee-slapping good fun. But naming a drink after the very serious, unfunny subject of date rape? Nope. Tell that to a bar in Spokane, Wa., where a new “Date Grape Kool-Aid” drink is now on the menu. [More]

Oh Lovely, It Seems We Need To Do A Round-Up Of 9/11 Promotions
We’ve barely seen any tacky 9/11 promotions over the years but this year… [head shake] there’s something about this year’s anniversary of the attacks that has companies and businesses climbing all over themselves to prove they, too, can push out a tone deaf promo in the name of patriotism and respect. We’ve seen a golf course do it, AT&T did it, and now we’ve got enough additional examples today that we have to do a round-up of the awful things. [More]