
McDonald’s Franchise Operator To Pay 500K In Wage Theft Settlement With New York

McDonald’s Franchise Operator To Pay 500K In Wage Theft Settlement With New York

In an agreement with the New York state Attorney General’s office, the owner of several McDonald’s locations in Manhattan will pay $500,000 to settle allegations that his company shortchanged 1,600 current and former employees at the fast food chain. [More]

Have Fun Breaking Down This Year’s Worst Company In America Bracket

Have Fun Breaking Down This Year’s Worst Company In America Bracket

The above bracket will be updated at the end of each day of WCIA competition to reflect that day’s results.

After going through all of your nominations, then having y’all rank the contenders and eliminate the chaff from the wheat, we’re proud to present the first round match-ups for this year’s Worst Company in America tournament! [More]

Here Are Your Worst Company Contenders For 2014 — Help Us Seed The Brackets!

Here Are Your Worst Company Contenders For 2014 — Help Us Seed The Brackets!

After sorting through a mountain of nomination e-mails, we’ve whittled down the field of competitors for this year’s Worst Company In America tournament to 40 bad businesses. Here’s your chance to have your say on how these players will square off in the bracket, and which bubble teams will get left out in the cold. [More]

McDonald’s Employees In 3 States File Wage-Related Lawsuits

McDonald’s Employees In 3 States File Wage-Related Lawsuits

Over the last two days, McDonald’s employees in California, Michigan and New York have filed a total of seven class-action suits against the fast food giant and various franchise operators, alleging a range of violations, from failing to pay overtime, to making employees work undocumented hours. [More]

Hamburglars Rob McDonald’s, Caught After Crashing Into Mayor

Hamburglars Rob McDonald’s, Caught After Crashing Into Mayor

In a scenario that any number of Happy Meal-raised kids played out with cheap plastic McDonald’s toys on their living room carpet, a robbery attempt at an Illinois Golden Arches was thwarted when the robbers crashed into the mayor’s car. [More]

McDonald’s Customers: We Were Asked To Leave Because Our “30 Minutes Were Up”

McDonald’s Customers: We Were Asked To Leave Because Our “30 Minutes Were Up”

Most stories about elderly customers possibly overstaying their welcome at fast food restaurants have focused on patrons who spent hours in the eateries, often buying little more than a coffee and a snack. But an octogenarian couple in Virginia say they were recently told to leave the McDonald’s they visited every afternoon because they had stayed beyond some imaginary 30-minute time limit. [More]

Man Suing McDonald’s For $1.5 Million Because He Only Got One Napkin With His Food

Man Suing McDonald’s For $1.5 Million Because He Only Got One Napkin With His Food

UPDATE: McDonald’s tells Consumerist that while it’s aware of the unhappy customer, it hasn’t heard anything about a lawsuit. [More]

McDonald’s Expanding Test Of Customizable Burger Options

McDonald’s Expanding Test Of Customizable Burger Options

Among fast food chains, McDonald’s is probably the least open to custom-made orders. Anyone who has asked for “no onions” or “no special sauce” has probably seen more than their fair share of eye rolls from a McD’s employee. But the mega-chain is thinking about changing the company’s image with the expansion of a DIY burger concept. [More]

They're baaaaack...

McDonald’s Hopes Cheaper Mighty Wings Will Sell Better This Time Around

Despite much fanfare and ballyhoo over McDonald’s attempt to woo wing lovers last fall with its Mighty Wings, the almost $1-per-wing price instead led to many customers shunning the fast food chain’s effort. The result of that tepid response was $10 million in frozen, unsold Mighty Wings, an outcome Mickey D’s is hoping to avoid this time around with lower prices. [More]

McDonald’s Says Dunkin’ Donuts Menu Is Too Similar, Sues To Block Nearby Store

McDonald’s Says Dunkin’ Donuts Menu Is Too Similar, Sues To Block Nearby Store

While fast food burger joints have battled over turf and market share for decades, it’s always seemed like Dunkin’ Donuts and McDonald’s were able to live in relative peace since their core products were very different. But a new lawsuit filed by McDonald’s now claims that Dunkin’ and the Golden Arches are so similar that a Maryland mall operator should be stopped from leasing space to the donut chain. [More]

McDonald’s Continues To Tease Possibility Of Extended Breakfast Hours

McDonald’s Continues To Tease Possibility Of Extended Breakfast Hours

Fans of the Mc10:35 — that combo burger/McMuffin sandwich that McDonald’s customers can only make when ordering during the change-over between the breakfast and lunch menus — may have to rename their favorite fast food item. The Golden Arches says it is indeed considering the possibility of extending the hours it serves breakfast to customers. [More]

This 2-year-old Happy Meal looks only slightly less unappetizing than it did when it was purchased, and it's not because of some secret ingredient. (via

Chiropractor Thinks 2-Year-Old McDonald’s Happy Meal Will Convince People To Avoid Fast Food

Once again, someone is amazed (astounded! mind-blown!) by the fact that a McDonald’s Happy Meal, if left untouched and exposed to the air for a few years, will not rot or become overrun with mold. This time, it’s a chiropractor in Nebraska who thinks that displaying an ancient cheeseburger and fries in his office will help convince people that fast food is bad for them. Except he’s wrong, at least about why the Happy Meal still looks recognizable after all this time. [More]

Blind Man Sinks 3-Point Shot At College Game, Wins McDonald’s Value Meals For A Year

Blind Man Sinks 3-Point Shot At College Game, Wins McDonald’s Value Meals For A Year

Raise your hand if you can sink a three-point shot. Okay, fine, I get it, you’re all great at basketball. Now raise your hand if you could do it with your eyes closed. Not so hot now, are we? That’s what makes it so awesomely remarkable and cool that a blind man hit a three-point shot during halftime of a college basketball game — winning him free McDonald’s for a year. [More]

McDonald’s Switzerland Puts Gruyere, Goat, Swiss Cheeses On Burgers

McDonald’s Switzerland Puts Gruyere, Goat, Swiss Cheeses On Burgers

The name of a current promotion at McDonald’s in Switzerland translates as “large cheese cravings,” and that’s what it’s giving us around the Consumerist office. Unlike the boring old cheeses we’re stuck with here in America, Swiss fast foodies can try burgers topped with fine rolls of what we in the US call Swiss cheese, or with tasty slabs of Gruyère or goat cheese. [More]

McDonald’s Manager Says She Was Fired After Paying For Firefighters’ Meal

McDonald’s Manager Says She Was Fired After Paying For Firefighters’ Meal

It’s a classic case of she-said/franchisee-said at a McDonald’s eatery in New York state, where a 23-year-old single mom claims she lost her job as a manager at the fast food joint after paying for breakfast for a group of firefighters. [More]

After A McMocking, McDonald’s Provides A Straightforward Answer To Simple Question

After A McMocking, McDonald’s Provides A Straightforward Answer To Simple Question

Last week, we poked fun at McDonald’s for not only taking nearly a week to respond to a simple question about dipping sauces, but for turning that response into one of the most convoluted marketing messages we’ve ever received. After getting some Egg McMuffin on its face, the fast food giant has finally provided a more straightforward response. [More]

McDonald’s Answer To Simple Sauce Question Shows Why People Hate Marketing Execs

McDonald’s Answer To Simple Sauce Question Shows Why People Hate Marketing Execs

Though it was never as popular as BBQ or sweet and sour, McDonald’s hot mustard dipping sauce (not to be confused with honey mustard) for its McNuggets had been an option for decades (and wasn’t so bad when used in combination with the BBQ sauce, according to someone I know who looks a lot like me). Last week, some readers wrote in saying they were being told that McD’s had stopped offering hot mustard, so we sent off a one-sentence comment request to the company… We shouldn’t have been surprised by the nonsense response we eventually received. [More]

Vietnam Greets Its First McDonald’s With Big Crowds, Blasting Techno Music

Vietnam Greets Its First McDonald’s With Big Crowds, Blasting Techno Music

Can you remember the first time you stepped into a McDonald’s? For many Americans, the answer is probably not, and subsequent trips are probably all a blur of fry grease and hamburger patties. But for the crowds lined up outside Vietnam’s first Mickey D’s, in Ho Chi Minh City on Saturday, that memory is much more immediate. [More]