
Why Can't We Have The Nacho Whopper Or The McArabia Here In
The U.S.?

Why Can't We Have The Nacho Whopper Or The McArabia Here In The U.S.?

Sure, here in these United States we’ve got a White Castle that will serve you noodles and a Burger King that makes a Whopper bigger than your head, but the grass is always greener — and the food always more interesting — on the other side of the fence, right? [More]

KFC, McDonald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell And A&W Combine To
Make The World's Worst Pizza

KFC, McDonald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell And A&W Combine To Make The World's Worst Pizza

In June, we wrote about the Frankenburger, an experiment in which the Village Voice attempted to form a Voltron sandwich from the best bits of many fast food burgers. But the folks behind this video seem to be on the hunt for the most atrocious combination of fast foods — and they just might have succeeded. [More]

Dutch McDonald's Uses Artificial DNA Spray To Track

Dutch McDonald's Uses Artificial DNA Spray To Track Thieves

Anyone who reads this site regularly knows that fast food restaurants are prime targets for the criminal element. Now McDonald’s eateries in the Dutch city of Rotterdam are using a new-fangled way to fight crime — spraying crooks with a so-called artificial DNA that can be used by authorities to identify them. [More]

What Really Happens To A McDonald's Burger When You Leave It

What Really Happens To A McDonald's Burger When You Leave It Out

Recently photos of a McDonald’s burger left out for 180 days with no visibile signs of decomposing went viral. Consumerist reader GitEmSteveDave decided to recreate the experiment using time-lapse photography and came up with drastically different results. The burger was completely gone within just a short period of time! Also discovered? Time-lapse cats are hilarious. [More]

If You Want To Be A McMillionaire, You'd Better Start

If You Want To Be A McMillionaire, You'd Better Start Eating

If you’ve become addicted to McDonald’s Monopoly promotion, you may wonder roughly how many Big Macs you’ll have to eat until you can realistically hope to win a major prize [More]

McDonald's Offering $400 Wedding Packages

McDonald's Offering $400 Wedding Packages

With folks now getting hitched in Walmarts, Taco Bells and Home Depot, it would make sense that McDonald’s would eventually get around to adding weddings to their menu. And that’s exactly what the fast food chain is doing in Hong Kong, where happy couples will soon be able to say “I do” under the Golden Arches. [More]

McDonald's Potty Cop: No Receipt, No Bathroom

McDonald's Potty Cop: No Receipt, No Bathroom

If you thought Walmart checking your receipt before letting you leave the store was bad, get a load of this McDonald’s who won’t let you go to the bathroom without showing your proof of purchase to the “bathroom bouncer.” [More]

McRib Sandwich Returning From McExile On Nov. 2

McRib Sandwich Returning From McExile On Nov. 2

Nope, this isn’t a hoax like those McRibble stories from early summer. Fans of McDonald’s sorta-rib-like McRib sandwich will no longer have to drive hours out of their way to find a Golden Arches that carries the saucy delicacy; the fast food chain is bringing it back (for six weeks) nationwide on Nov. 2. [More]

CSPI: McDonald's Happy Meal Lawsuit Will Happen In Next Couple Weeks

CSPI: McDonald's Happy Meal Lawsuit Will Happen In Next Couple Weeks

With so much attention being paid to San Francisco’s proposed law that would take the toys out of most kids meals, it’s easy to forget that the fast-food haters at the Center for Science In the Public Interest had given McDonald’s 30 days to remove toys from Happy Meals or face a lawsuit. That was back in June. Over 90 days ago. So what happened? [More]

What Mechanically Separated Chicken Looks Like

What Mechanically Separated Chicken Looks Like

Mmm yummers, after the jump, here’s a picture of some mechanically separated poultry. We didn’t want to put it on the front page because it is so gross, so if you click through, that is your fault. [More]

San Francisco One Step Closer To Ruining Happy Meals For Little Kids

San Francisco One Step Closer To Ruining Happy Meals For Little Kids

Yesterday, the proposed legislation that would remove toys from kids meals in San Francisco unless they met specific health requirement got one step closer to reality, as a board of supervisors committee recommended that the law go before the full board for a vote. [More]

Here It Is: The Farthest You Can Get From A McDonald's In The Lower 48 States

Here It Is: The Farthest You Can Get From A McDonald's In The Lower 48 States

Earlier this month, we reported how the GPS-friendly people of had located the spot in the lower 48 states farthest away from a McDonald’s. Not content to merely pinpoint the location on a map, the site’s Stephen Von Worley decided to trek out to the distant site in northwest Nevada. [More]

McDonald's Slams Ad Equating Big Macs With Heart Disease

McDonald's Slams Ad Equating Big Macs With Heart Disease

Last week, we wrote a group called the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine that had produced an ad that made a direct link between McDonald’s food and heart disease by showing a corpse in a morgue clutching a partially eaten Big Mac. Believe it or not, McDonald’s was not pleased with the TV spot. [More]

McDonald's Serves Customer A Used Burger

McDonald's Serves Customer A Used Burger

If car companies and Ikea can make money selling pre-owned products, why not McDonald’s? Oh yeah… that would be disgusting. Just ask the Arkansas man who was sold a pre-owned, pre-bitten burger. [More]

Lady Bites Into McDonald's Burger Bursting With Maggots

Lady Bites Into McDonald's Burger Bursting With Maggots

An Iowa woman got more than a mouthful when she bit into a McDonald’s burger. She also got some extra protein, thanks to the maggots crawling around inside it. [More]

Maggots Cleansed From McDonald's Coffee Maker

Maggots Cleansed From McDonald's Coffee Maker

If you live in Lansing, Michigan, you can stop worrying: there are now no maggots in the McDonald’s coffee machine. [More]

New Ad Blames McDonald's For Heart Disease

New Ad Blames McDonald's For Heart Disease

Because we apparently don’t already know that McDonald’s and other fast food aren’t exactly wonderful for your health, a non-profit physicians’ group in Washington, D.C., has cooked up this ad that directly links McDonald’s to heart disease. [More]

You're Never More Than 115 Miles From McDonald's

You're Never More Than 115 Miles From McDonald's

Thanks to a McDonald’s in northeastern California going out of business, Americans are now never more than 115 miles from their nearest Golden Arches. The new “McFarthest” spot is a scrubby patch in northwest Nevada, ousting the previous McFarthest spot in South Dakota by 8 miles — move over, 45.45955,-101.91356, here’s 41.94389,-119.54010! Sweet, running those extra miles means I can probably Supersize my vanilla milkshake. [More]