McDonald’s Canada is currently in the midst of a fascinating marketing campaign called “Your Questions.” They’ve solicited questions from the public about McDonald’s products, and are….actually answering most of them, clearly and honestly. Sure, there’s still some marketing speak in there–a questioner who wonders why products are so high in fat and calories is asked, “Have you tried our Fruit ‘n Yogurt Parfait yet?” but the overall goal appears to be clearing up misconceptions and urban legends about McDonald’s products. Which is where this video of food stylists creating the Platonic ideal of a quarter pounder with cheese comes in. [More]

Nothing “Unhealthy” On McDonald’s Menu, According To Its Head Chef
Chef Daniel Coudreaut is the senior director of culinary innovation for McDonald’s USA — the guy who knows every single fry and apple pie on the drive-thru board. He recently had a chat with a Cleveland journalist where he defended the offerings his employers put forth for 26 million Americans, saying, “I don’t see anything on the menu that’s unhealthy.” [More]

Here Is Your Chance To Buy A Chicken McNugget That Looks Like A Zombie
When you look down at your fast food meal, you don’t expect to see the terrifying, misshapen face of a zombie staring back at you. But that’s what happened to a McDonald’s customer in New Jersey, who could have just gobbled the offending nugget and never thought of it again. No, this nugget is bound for greater things. They’re selling it on eBay. The bidding currently stands at $2.75. [More]

McDonald’s Staffers Stall Health Inspector After Complaint About Roach Dropping From Ceiling
It’s not a good sign when the health inspector shows up to a fast food joint and is waylaid by employees who refuse to let him into the kitchen. It’s an even worse sign when the inspector still finds more than 20 violations after waiting 20 minutes for the staffers to presumably clean up the most egregious offenses. [More]

McDonald's Makes Good On Promise To Free Pigs From Crates, Announces 10-Year Plan
When big companies like McDonald’s make lofty promises, we like to keep tabs on them to see if they actually go through with those vows. And in this case, McDonald’s is making good on its plans to phase out the use of gestation crates by its pork suppliers, unveiling a 10-year plan on how it’ll accomplish just that. [More]

If You're A Fugitive Sex Offender, Watching Porn At McDonald's Will Probably Put You Back In Jail
While we certainly understand the appeal of looking at the human form sans clothing, we don’t really get why anyone would feel the need to do so while chowing down on a Big Mac at a crowded McDonald’s. But then again, we’ve never been a sex offender who was already wanted for failing to register. [More]

Escaped Cow Visits McDonald's Drive-Thru, Ponders Circle Of Life
If you’re an attentive reader of this site, you know that people are always bringing inappropriate things to fast-food drive-thrus, hoping to get served. Mobility scooters. Snakes. Even pedestrians have tried and failed to acquire food. But when Darcy wandered up to the drive-thru window at a Colorado McDonald’s on foot, employees didn’t just wearily tell her to go inside the restaurant to order like all of the other pedestrians. That’s because Darcy is a dairy cow. [More]

McDonald's: Variety Is The Spice Of Life & The Key To Getting Your Money
How exciting is it when the Shamrock Shake hits the McDonald’s menu every year? It’s unfreakingbelievably exciting, because it only happens annually and then goes away, leaving our mouths bereft of mint. To that point, McDonald’s is betting on our collective love of limited-time items to lure more customers in. They know we get bored if something sits on the menu for too long. [More]

Apparently What The 2012 Olympic Games Needs Is The World's Largest McDonald's
Nothing says athletes in peak physical condition like a Big Mac and large fries, right? As such, McDonald’s is building the world’s largest McDonald’s restaurant in London’s Olympic Park for the 2012 Olympics. No other brand name food will be sold at the Olympic Park. [More]

Steal A Soda From McDonald's And Face A Felony Misdemeanor Charge
While the everyday customer likely won’t face a felony charge for swiping a $1 soda from McDonald’s, woe betide the alleged thief who already has a slew of petty thefts racked up. A Florida man could see five years in jail and $5,000 fine for filling his courtesy cup with soda instead of water. [More]

McDonald's Staffer Learns That Spitting In The Tea Will Get You Arrested
The history of spit-in-food goes back approximately 2,700 years, with the first known instance often attributed to a disgruntled fry cook at a lamb burger joint in a suburb of Babylon. That storied tradition continues to this day, with an employee at a South Carolina McDonald’s arrested for allegedly leaving behind his phlegm in two customers’ teas. [More]

Judge Tosses Happy Meal Lawsuit Into The Deep Fryer
It’s been a while since we heard about that lawsuit against McDonald’s alleging that the fast food company exploits children by using toys and other kid-centric marketing techniques to get them to want Happy Meals. But earlier today, a judge in San Francisco dismissed the suit. [More]

McDonald's Sponsors Prime-Time TV Documentary About McDonald's
If you were to flip open the pages of your TV Guide and see that there was a documentary called “McDonald’s Gets Grilled” airing in prime time, you might assume that it’s a bit of McMuckraking, or at least a news organization’s look behind the counter at the fast food giant. But as viewers of Australian TV found out this week, it’s really just a 30-minute infomercial paid for by McDonald’s. [More]

Lawsuit Claims McDonald's Filled Toddler's Cup With Hot, Spillable Coffee
A woman in the Chicago area is suing McDonald’s over hot coffee — something they’re not unfamiliar with — claiming that her four-year old granddaughter was burned after an employee gave her a refill of the liquid that is only supposed to be served to adults. [More]

Wendy's Unseats The Burger King In Fast Food Rankings
Both Burger King and Wendy’s have been attempting to revamp their look and their menus in recent years, but it looks like whatever Wendy’s is doing is working slightly better as the fast food company edged out Burger King to become the second-largest burger chain — and the #3 overall fast food joint — in the country. [More]

Attempted Theft Of Backpack Filled With Dirty Laundry At McDonald's Turns Violent
McDonald’s turned into a wrestling ring during a scuffle that started when a man tried to steal a backpack filled with “dirty laundry and resumes” from a homeless man. When a cop tried to arrest the alleged thief, things went into full on smackdown mode. [More]

Somebody Paid $8,100 For A Chicken Nugget Resembling George Washington
Somewhere out there, a person who covets and collects quirky representations of U.S. presidents must exist. Otherwise, we can’t think of a reason why anyone would shell out $8,100 for a chicken McNugget shaped like America’s first commander-in-chief, George Washington. [More]

McDonald's Customer Can't Sue Golden Arches For Attack By Spatula-Wielding Cashier
After 12 years of legal wrangling over an altercation between a customer and a McDonald’s employee, the Mississippi Court of Appeals has confirmed that the restaurant chain can not be sued over the fast food fisticuffs. [More]