In an abrupt about-face, Google announced early Friday morning that it would reverse a content policy change made just three days earlier that banned the users of the Blogger platform from sharing sexually explicit or graphic nudity on their sites. [More]

Google Changes Content Policy To Prohibit Adult Material On Blogger Platform Starting March 23
Starting next month all users of Google’s Blogger platform must adhere to a more stringent content policy, which includes banning users from sharing sexually explicit or graphic nudity on their sites. [More]

‘Bitter Barista’ Blogger Fired; No Longer A Barista
When you run a blog that anonymously posts poison-pen critiques of the customers who come into your store, you know you’re running the risk of losing that job should your employer find out. [More]

The Tasty Lies Behind Your Favorite Convenience Foods
There are a number of criticisms you can make about frozen meals and chain takeout: poor nutrition, factory farming, and wasteful packaging. Most Americans don’t care about that, though. What they want to know is: does this meal look anything like the photo on the package? Does it taste like beef-flavored cardboard? Is the portion big enough to keep me from running to the break room vending machine by 3:00? For them, the convenience food blog Tasty Lies exists. [More]

4 Plants For Lazy People
It’s nice to have plants around the house to recycle the air and brighten up the room. But what if you’re a lazypants and know you’re likely to forget to take care of them? Don’t worry, there are still plants for you. [More]

How To Beat HDTV "Customer Service"
If your HDTV set is malfunctioning you follow the advice most HDTV manufacturers put on their website, you can actually end up screwing yourself. Surprise, surprise. Here’s what you should do instead. [More]

The Most Shoplifted Food In The World? That's Right, "Cheese."
The First WorldWide Shrinkage Survey is not about taking a scientific approach to a Seinfeld plot line. Instead, it measures shoplifting around the globe. “Shrinkage,” in retail parlance, is when people take things from stores without paying for them. And according to their study, the most shoplifted item in the world in 2011 was cheese. [More]

Car Racks Up $896.80 Vegas Parking Ticket While Sitting In New York
Charlotte is bewildered as to how her Camry somehow got a for $896.80 ticket for parking in a handicapped spot in Las Vegas while it was sitting happily in New York State. Had her car been secretly running out of town to go galavant around Sin City behind her back? [More]

93,000 PSN Accounts Suspended After Latest Attack
PlayStation announced they’ve suspended 93,000 PSN accounts after the latest attack against their network. [More]

Non-Credit Union Alternatives To Banks With Monthly Debit Card Fees
While often the default response online to people looking for something other than a big retail bank to stash their cash is to shout, “Credit union! Credit union!”, they’re not the only game in town. [More]

Japan Proposes Offering 10,000 Free Round-Trip Tickets To Boost Tourism
In order to boost flagging tourism after the nuclear disaster, earthquakes and tsunami, the Japan Tourism Agency has proposed a bold plan. They’re going to give away 10,000 free round-trip tickets. [More]

With Neighb's 'Net Down, Super Holds TWC Node Hostage. Ransom: Free Cable
In the middle of reports of widespread Time Warner Cable outages in New York’s East Village late this week, one building supervisor has decided to hold a local cable node hostage. This node controls cable and internet not just for his building, but several others on the block. His price for access? Free cable. [More]

330 lb Man Donates $5 To Fight Childhood Obesity For Every Pound He Loses
Some people want to look good for the beach. Others want to be able to enjoy their favorite sport again. Hank, who started his journey at 335 pounds, is motivating his weight loss goal by donating $5 for every pound he loses to a local non-profit that fights childhood obesity. [More]

TSA Gives Breast Cancer Survivor Invasive Patdown After She Goes Through Scan
A breast cancer survivor says she was forced to go through a patdown where TSA agents touched her breasts, even though she had already gone through the backscatter body scanner and had an ID card explaining the tissue expanders in her chest. [More]

Water-Filled Plastic Bottles In Roof Can Replace Light Bulbs During Day
Here’s a cheap way to bring light into a dark shed during the day while cutting down on your electricity costs. Fill a plastic bottle with water and two cap-fulls of bleach and stick it through the roof. The bottle refracts the sunlight into the space and generates as many lumens as a 50 watt bulb. It’s free light! [More]

Pizza Flyer Stuck In Door 5 Inches Above "No Soliciting" Sticker
SJ has been battling door-to-door salesmen and flyer stuffers in his neighborhood for years. After getting fed up, the block held a powwow and everyone decided to get “No Soliciting” stickers to put on the doors. Yet the flyers still keep cropping up. Here is a recent picture SJ took of his door, with a flyer for “Shiraz Pizza” stuffed in it, right above the “No Soliciting” sticker. He diagrammed and labeled it to make it easier to understand, and sent it to the pizza parlor along with a complaint letter. [More]