
Does McDonald's Really Have The Worst Burgers?

Does McDonald's Really Have The Worst Burgers?

In the current issue of Consumer Reports, our science-minded siblings asked readers to rate the burgers at 18 different restaurant chains on a scale of 1-10. [More]

Why McDonald's Never Rots

Why McDonald's Never Rots

Pictures of McDonald’s burgers that have been sitting around for years with no visible sign of decay, like the 7-year old one at left, have shocked and delighted the internets, but what’s the science behind the madness? Is it because McDonald’s is a lab experiment that we collectively hallucinate as being actual food? Salon asked the experts to find out. [More]

The Mc10:35 Gets Field Taste Tested

The Mc10:35 Gets Field Taste Tested

The Hidden Menu blog went on a field excursion to see if they could track down the “Mc10:35” – an Egg McMuffin inside a double cheeseburger you can only order at the changeover between breakfast and lunch. They lived to tell the tale and returned with photographic evidence. [More]

McDonald's Alienates San Francisco Homeless By Raising Dollar Menu By $.50

McDonald's Alienates San Francisco Homeless By Raising Dollar Menu By $.50

We say it a lot around here these days: Times are tough. And they just got tougher for the homeless people in San Francisco who had relied on a local McDonald’s for their discount sustenance. A few weeks back, that particular Golden Arches — located in the city’s Haight-Ashbury neighborhood — jacked up the price on their former Dollar Menu items to $1.50, much to the consternation of the homeless. [More]

What Happens To A Cheeseburger In Hydrochloric Acid?

What Happens To A Cheeseburger In Hydrochloric Acid?

Some British scientists dunked a cheeseburger in hydrochloric acid to see what happens. This video is the result. [More]

McDonald's Makes Hot Chocolate Hot, Gets Sued When It Spills

McDonald's Makes Hot Chocolate Hot, Gets Sued When It Spills

Almost 16 years to the day after a jury ordered McDonald’s to pay a customer $2 million in the infamous hot coffee lawsuit, it’s deja vu all over again for the fast food giant. A Chicago-area woman has filed a lawsuit against the Golden Arches over a spilled hot beverage; the difference this time is that it’s hot chocolate. [More]

5 Kids Meals With Adult-Size Calories, Fat

5 Kids Meals With Adult-Size Calories, Fat

Next time you’re grabbing some breakfast with your children at McDonald’s, Wendy’s or Burger King, you might want to pay attention to the nutritional information for the kids meals you order. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine just released its list of the Five Worst Fast Food Meals to highlight those G-rated meals with R-rated calorie counts. [More]

Breastfeeding Moms Stage "Nurse-In" At Arizona McDonald's

Breastfeeding Moms Stage "Nurse-In" At Arizona McDonald's

A manager at a McDonald’s in Glendale, AZ, recently asked a woman to leave the building after she began nursing her baby in the restaurant. That manager is obviously not a reader of Consumerist, or else they would have been prepared for the inevitable backlash, which came this weekend in the form of dozens of moms staging a “nurse-in” inside the McD’s. [More]

"Open 23 Hours, 39 Minutes" Doesn't Make A Very Catchy McDonald's Sign

"Open 23 Hours, 39 Minutes" Doesn't Make A Very Catchy McDonald's Sign

Gregory writes that he made a trip to a 24-hour McDonald’s after 4 AM because, well, it was a 24-hour McDonald’s and would ostensibly be open. This particular McDonald’s apparently shut down between 4:00 and 4:30, simultaneously ignoring the concepts of “open 24 hours” and “fast food.” [More]

Here's Ketchup And A Statin With Your Burger

Here's Ketchup And A Statin With Your Burger

British researchers are recommending that fast food joints pass out cholesterol-reducing statins to be consumed alongside cheeseburgers and the like in order to “neutralize” the heart risks of fatty foods. [More]

Five Guys Named Best Fast Food Burger In U.S. By Zagat Guide

Five Guys Named Best Fast Food Burger In U.S. By Zagat Guide

Earlier this year, the burgers at quickly growing fast foodatrorium Five Guys made the Center for Science in the Public Interest’s list of most calorie-filled meals in the country. Perhaps that’s why the voters at the Zagat Guide recently chose Five Guys as the best burger in the country. [More]

San Francisco Hates Your Happy Meals

San Francisco Hates Your Happy Meals

While the Center for Science in the Public Interest hasn’t yet made good on its threat to sue McDonald’s for continuing to put toys in their Happy Meals, the city of San Francisco is considering a law that could have your children asking “where’s my toy?” the next time you head to the Golden Arches and other fast food joints. [More]

Here's The Video Of That Crazy McNugget Lady Who Attacked McDonald's Employees

Here's The Video Of That Crazy McNugget Lady Who Attacked McDonald's Employees

Remember the McDonald’s drive-thru customer who went all 28 Days after she was told they’d stopped serving Chicken McNuggets? Obviously a story like this is a hundred times more awesome if you can watch the actual attack, and fortunately for us the security footage of the event is now available. [More]

Parents Group Calls Happy Meal Version Of The Human Torch A
"Horrifying Spectacle"

Parents Group Calls Happy Meal Version Of The Human Torch A "Horrifying Spectacle"

I’m having trouble telling whether the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood is serious, or whether someone at the organization saw that Venture Brothers episode and got confused, so I’ll just describe what they’re doing and you can decide for yourselves. The group has launched a letter writing campaign to demand that McDonald’s stop giving out Marvel superhero toys, specifically The Thing and The Human Torch, because they’re too violent. [More]

McDonald's Employee Robs Place Of Work Twice, Still Keeps
Showing Up To Work

McDonald's Employee Robs Place Of Work Twice, Still Keeps Showing Up To Work

It takes balls to rob the McDonald’s you’ve been working at for months. It takes balls of steel to do it twice in one month. And it takes balls of steel the size of large boulders to keep showing up for work afterward. Alas, your big mouth will ultimately get you and your massive balls arrested for armed robbery. [More]

Jamba Juice To McD: Suck On Our Cheeseburger Smoothies

Jamba Juice To McD: Suck On Our Cheeseburger Smoothies

To fight back at McDonald’s jumping in on its smoothie game, Jamba Juice has launched a new line of “Cheeseburger Chill Smoothies.” [More]

McDonald's Last Airbender Toy Dangerous If Wrapped Around Neck?

McDonald's Last Airbender Toy Dangerous If Wrapped Around Neck?

According to the Connecticut Consumer Protection Commissioner, a bracelet that comes with the “Last Airbender” Katara toy could be dangerous if your child wraps it around his/her neck. That’s what allegedly happened to one CT toddler. His mother says he passed out after the bracelet cut off the blood to his head. [More]

Panty-Faced McDonald's Burglar Arrested

Panty-Faced McDonald's Burglar Arrested

Remember last week, when we reported on the McDonald’s drive-thru that had been robbed by what appeared to be a female wearing what appeared to be a pair of pantied stretched across her face. Apparently we were only right about one of those assumptions — Yes, in spite of many readers’ doubts, that was a woman in the photos; but it wasn’t a pair of panties; it was a girdle. [More]