Remember a few years ago when Girl Scouts in San Francisco made headlines for the obviously brilliant move of selling cookies in front of a marijuana dispensary? They’re still allies, and this year, the girls threw down the gauntlet in a charity duel. [More]
girl scouts

Girl Scouts Want To Know How Pallets Of Girl Scout Cookies Ended Up At Discount Stores
The only place you’re supposed to be able to get Girl Scout cookies is from the scouts, so how did a bunch of discount stores in South Carolina end up selling these treats at upwards of 90% off? [More]

Police Buy Hundreds Of Boxes Of Cookies After Some Jerk Berates Girl Scouts
Whenever Girl Scout cookie season rolls around, we inevitably hear stories of grown adults behaving horribly toward these young entrepreneurs, and this year is no different. But at least in this case, there’s a bit of a happy ending after two sisters were cursed out by an angry homeowner while they were going door to door drumming up business. [More]

Siblings Arrested For Robbing Girl Scouts Of $200 In Cookie Money
Most people look at Girl Scouts selling cookies outside of a store and see children learning important lessons about commerce. Every year, though, there’s at least one person who looks at them and sees a big box of cash guarded by little girls. This cookie season, the first criminals accused of having this terrible idea were a brother and sister in Florida, who were arrested yesterday for running off with about $200 in cookie money last weekend. [More]

Children’s Ad Group Wants To Make Sure Kids Don’t Use Girl Scouts Cookie Oven Without An Adult
While it’s all well and good for kids to feel like they’re the master of their own miniature kitchen tools, the maker of the Girl Scouts Cookie Oven says it will change its advertising to clearly show that parents have to be around to supervise when youngsters are using the toy. [More]

Girl Scout Cookie Flavored Granola Bars Coming From Quaker
As a staff consisting mostly of retired Girl Scouts, we’re big supporters of their seasonal cookie-slinging sales force every year. Yet the Girl Scout Cookie empire has been expanding, and you can find the most distinctive and famous flavors on the shelves of different sections of your favorite stores, in departments ranging from the ice cream aisle to the toy aisle to the cosmetics aisle. News of granola bars almost deserves a big yawn. [More]

Why Do Girl Scouts Sell A “Caramel deLite” In Milwaukee And A “Samoa” In Seattle?
When I first the nest to live among strangers in a strange land/another state, I was surprised to hear people talking about eating “Samoas” and “Tagalongs” during Girl Scout cookie season. Once I realized they meant “Caramel deLites” and “Peanut Butter Patties,” I figured these weirdos just used different names for the same cookies. But the thing is — they aren’t the same cookies. [More]

Girl Scouts Cookie Oven Is A Real Thing You Can Use To Stuff Your Face With Homemade Thin Mints
For many, Girl Scout cookie time is the most magical time of the year — the boxes come a’tumbling off the cookie wagon, bringing mouthfuls of sugary joy for as long as they last in the hands of greedy customers, and all is well… at least for a little while. But what if you could make your own Girl Scout cookies at home, no matter the season? [More]

Man Arrested For Stealing $300 Cash From Girl Scout Cookie Booth
It’s that time of year again, when groups of youngsters camp out in front of retailers and the occasional medical marijuana dispensary to sell Girl Scout cookies. Most of us look at their displays and see delicious but pricey temptation. Some terrible people see a box full of money guarded by a few little girls. [More]

Girl Scouts Charging More Per Box Of Cookies In Some Areas Because They Know You Can’t Resist
Let’s face it: You want those Girl Scout cookies. Those Girl Scout cookies are going to be yours, and there’s nothing anyone can do to keep you from them. That’s why some cities might be seeing price hikes on Thin Mints and Samoas this year, as certain local councils adjust their prices for inflation. Because they can. [More]

Girl Scouts Announce Upcoming Season Will Include New Gluten-Free Flavors
The time of our national waistline expansion is approaching, and this time Girl Scout cookie season won’t be limited only to those who can tolerate gluten: The girls’ group announced that the 2015 season will include three new flavors, two of which are gluten-free. [More]

Girl Scouts Will Finally Be Allowed To Sell Cookies Online
If you don’t live near or work with the family of a cookie-selling Girl Scout, it can be a bit of a pain finding and acquiring the treats. In spite of everyone else in the world going online to reach the highest number of consumers possible, the Scouts have been reluctant about letting their young ladies make cookies available via the Internet, until now. [More]

General Mills, Girl Scouts Go After Makers Of Liquid Nicotine Over Trademarked Names
Though the makers of e-cigarettes say their devices aren’t marketed to children, some companies that make liquid nicotine are not only using candy and fruit flavors that are forbidden from regular tobacco, but they’re using trademarked names of well-known snacks, sweets, and cereals. This isn’t sitting well with the companies that hold those trademarks. [More]

Girl Scout Makes Everyone Else Feel Worthless By Selling A Record 18,107 Boxes Of Cookies
What have you done lately that’s worthy of a national record? Nothing? That’s fine, it’s not like any of us mere mortals can feel accomplished when a 12-year-old girl beats us all by selling 18,107 boxes of cookies in a single year, nabbing the national record. That’s approximately 18,107 more boxes of anything than the rest of us have probably sold this year. [More]

Girl Scouts And Mattel Team Up For Barbie-Branded Activity And Patch
The Girl Scouts: they stand for wholesome, educational, and fun childhood activities. Right? Generally, yes, and even without coating every visible surface with pink sparkles. A new set of Barbie-themed activities and patch for the Daisy and Brownie levels (kindergarten through third grade) has horrified some critics, who think that the toy-maker’s influence is bad for girls’ self-image. [More]

Girl Scout Troop Loses $4,500 And 6 Cases Of Cookies In Robbery Because People Are Awful
Any time you’ve got a business pulling in a lot of cash, there going to be dastardly, mustache-twirling villains lurking in the wings. And with 66% of Consumerist staff consisting of former Girl Scouts, I can say we are sorely disappointed this year to continue reporting on what will likely be a spate of crimes against Girl Scouts and their cookies. [More]

Police Catch Phone Thieves Who Robbed Girl Scouts Selling Cookies
What kind of monster robs Girl Scouts selling cookies out in front of a grocery store? Teenage boys, apparently. Police in Florida have made an arrest in the theft of a smartphone (a Samsung Galaxy S3, if you keep track of these things) from the sales table. The suspect is a 15-year-old boy. [More]

Two Terrible People Robbed Girl Scout Selling Cookies Outside Of Grocery Store
We all eventually learn the difficult lesson that the world is out to get us and our small electronics. One young girl in Florida learned this in an unfortunate time and place: two men took off with her cell phone while she and a friend sold Girl Scout cookies in front of a grocery store. [More]